
Corporate plan

Our vision: Working for a better future

Man picking vegetables at a town market


Welcome to ³ÉÈ˶¶Òõ’s updated Corporate Plan. This sets out what we want to achieve for local residents and communities going forward.

In 2019 we identified the key priorities for this council and for Lincolnshire. We are determined that in the coming years people and communities will have:

  • High aspirations
  • The opportunity to enjoy life to the full
  • Thriving environments
  • Good value council services

This updated plan builds on our successes to date and sets out the next steps we will take to deliver on our ambitions for Lincolnshire.

Our ambitions go far beyond what we can deliver on our own and so the Corporate Plan will also guide our work with public and private organisations to bring greater and lasting benefits to our county.

Finally, the Corporate Plan underpins how we will work as ‘One Council’, to ensure all our services work towards shared goals and work together effectively.

In 2023/24, the total cost of services ³ÉÈ˶¶Òõ provides will amount to £604m, including schools. The current capital programme includes a planned spend of £137m in 2023/24 and a further £428m in future years.

We want to be a council that continues to offer our residents the services they need, supporting their lifestyles, but that also shows strong leadership and speaks up proudly for Lincolnshire.

Martin Hill and Debbie Barnes signatures

Graphic showing the some of the key information from within the text