
Corporate plan

Our vision: Working for a better future

Man picking vegetables at a town market


Welcome to ³ÉÈ˶¶Òõ’s updated Corporate Plan. This sets out what we want to achieve for local residents and communities going forward.

In 2019 we identified the key priorities for this council and for Lincolnshire. We are determined that in the coming years people and communities will have:

  • High aspirations
  • The opportunity to enjoy life to the full
  • Thriving environments
  • Good value council services

This updated plan builds on our successes to date and sets out the next steps we will take to deliver on our ambitions for Lincolnshire.

Our ambitions go far beyond what we can deliver on our own and so the Corporate Plan will also guide our work with public and private organisations to bring greater and lasting benefits to our county.

Finally, the Corporate Plan underpins how we will work as ‘One Council’, to ensure all our services work towards shared goals and work together effectively.

In 2023/24, the total cost of services ³ÉÈ˶¶Òõ provides will amount to £604m, including schools. The current capital programme includes a planned spend of £137m in 2023/24 and a further £428m in future years.

We want to be a council that continues to offer our residents the services they need, supporting their lifestyles, but that also shows strong leadership and speaks up proudly for Lincolnshire.

Martin Hill and Debbie Barnes signatures

Graphic showing the some of the key information from within the text

Our strengths and challenges

Aerial view of Lincolnshire coast line with fields and marshland

Local government is under unprecedented pressure particularly in large rural counties such as Lincolnshire, which is the fourth largest county in England and covers 5,921 square miles.

More than 50,000 people live in an area recognised as being in the 10% most deprived in the country. Four of the seven districts in the county are classed as either mainly or largely rural and the sparsity makes services more difficult and costly to deliver.

The current population of Lincolnshire is 768,400, but this figure is predicted to grow by 10% by 2041, with 30% of the population expected to be over-65.

Between 2011 and 2019 our main government grant was reduced by 90%, from £211m to £20m. More recently the council has faced significant cost increases, higher interest rates and inflation from the aftershocks of the pandemic and the war in Ukraine. There remains uncertainty over future Government funding of local authorities and we continue to call for a national funding system that is fit for purpose.

However, despite the challenges, there have been great achievements:

  • Pre-covid, the value of Lincolnshire’s tourism industry increased to more than £1.5bn. County heritage sites such as Lincoln Castle and the purpose-built Magna Carta vault contributed to the county attracting around 21m visitors, who made a vital contribution to our economy
  • More than 1,200 Ukrainians have made Lincolnshire their temporary home through the generosity of our local communities and support from the council, partners and charities all working together to offer these people the warmest possible welcome to the county
  • Children’s services and the youth offending services being rated as outstanding and widely regarded as one of the best in the country
  • Being recognised as one of the highest-achieving highways authorities in the country, delivering an extra £19m investment in highways maintenance bringing the budget for 2023/24 to around £93m
  • Securing additional Government funding for initiatives in Lincolnshire including electric vehicle charging points, adult learning, culture and heritage, and management of groundwater flood risks
  • Delivering innovative property projects that have made efficiency savings, reduced emissions and benefited partnership working
  • Roll-out of superfast broadband to 96% of the county

More widely, Lincolnshire has a strong mixed economy worth £15bn per year, with agrifood, tourism, logistics and manufacturing as the key sectors. We recognise key challenges from:

  • A huge increase in demand for social care, which is predicted to grow
  • The coronavirus pandemic changing demand for public services, resident’s lifestyles and how we work.
  • Evolving technology and the need to equip residents with the skills of the future aligned with our local economy
  • The need for new infrastructure and effective digital connectivity, water management and electricity supply across our rural county
  • The scale of change required to deliver our evidence-led approach to climate change and leave a positive environmental legacy
Graphic showing the some of the key information from within the text
Approach view of Lincoln Castle showing the view through the main entrance

Support high aspirations

A group of school children listening to a member of Lincs and Notts air ambulance who is say in the helicopter

We are working towards making Lincolnshire a place where everyone has high aspirations for their lives and their communities.

We want the area to be a place where everyone can achieve their full potential, which will only be possible if the county is seen as a great place to live, learn and offers the opportunity to start and build a career.

We know that we have to work with others to help create the environment for this to happen. Our role in supporting our businesses to succeed is essential, enabling them to provide high-quality jobs, skills and development opportunities for residents of all ages and to attract people into our county.

Success looks like:

  • Every child/young person has a high-quality education to succeed in life
  • People have the skills and attributes for good quality careers in the county’s economy
  • Lincolnshire attracts and retains highly-skilled 18-40 year olds and older people continue in work
  • Residents have rewarding, active and healthy lifestyles
  • Residents participate in locally led, prosperous and safe communities

Achievements since 2019:

We have:

  • Supported our residents and businesses through the Covid pandemic and continue to tackle the aftershocks to lives, communities and the economy
  • Supported schools to expand formal partnerships with other local schools to create a more resilient education sector across the county
  • Worked with businesses and the local enterprise partnership to identify key skills needed to support economic growth and more high wage, high skill jobs in Lincolnshire
  • Developed a green master plan, progressing activities that will lead to a net zero county by 2050

Further actions:

  • Champion educational excellence across Lincolnshire
  • Enhance the skills of our communities to meet the needs of our businesses and the economy
  • Have high aspirations for our county, promoting Greater Lincolnshire on the national stage and secure greater devolution of powers
  • Promote thriving voluntary community groups that enable active lifestyles, drive collaboration and community innovation
  • Enhance the safety of local communities by working collaboratively with the police and ambulance services, sharing buildings and response arrangements
Graphic showing the some of the key information from within the text
A young girl wearing safety glasses at a workbench building an electronic device

Enable everyone to enjoy life to the full

An older lady sitting on a sofa watching a television while she knits

We want Lincolnshire to be a place where everyone has the opportunity to live their lives to the full, with independence and access to the right support at the right time, whatever their age.

We want all children to have the best possible start in life and we know that having a safe and loving home and good-quality housing is essential. Through collaboration with partners across the county, we want everyone to be given the opportunities that enable them to have a fulfilling life.

We have an important role in ensuring that carers are supported, helping all those who look after others, and that the county’s health and care services are accessible and responsive.

Success looks like:

  • All children have a caring home
  • People are able to live independently in their own home for longer, and positively contribute to their local community
  • There are enough homes for the elderly or vulnerable, which are affordable to them and dignified to live in
  • Those who help care or look after others are supported
  • Disabled adults can participate in meaningful employment
  • All residents have an equal chance of living a healthy life, regardless of circumstances or background

Achievements since 2019:

  • Improved provision for children in care including completing construction works at St Francis and commencing refurbishment for the new Robin House Children’s home in July 2022
  • Work with partners on our housing for independence strategy and a programme of delivery for the next 18 months to benefit both working age adults and for older people
  • Further integration of care and health, supporting the establishment of a new Integrated Care Board (replacing the Clinical Commissioning Group) and new partnerships for integrated care
  • Supported mental health and wellbeing through the 5 Ways to Wellbeing campaign, linking to a wide range of community-based activities to support mental health through Connect2Support

Further actions:

  • Deliver good quality children’s centres, which are at the heart of our communities supporting families, so their children thrive
  • Intervene effectively to keep vulnerable people safe, making sure children in care and care leavers get the best opportunities
  • Create further accommodation options for greater independence and wellbeing
  • Enhance the support we provide for carers
  • Develop mature partnerships for the integration of care and health that will tackle pressure on the system and improve outcomes for our residents
The view from behind of a man with a walking stick walking with a lady and both wearing rucksacks

Create thriving environments

Aerial view of cars going over a bridge that spans two waterways

Lincolnshire is a thriving county with a unique geography and natural heritage to be enjoyed and protected.

We want to build on our ambition of high aspirations and enhance our strengths, to sustain and develop a prosperous future. A thriving county means being connected and making sure families have access to great services and good quality jobs.

We will work with others to enable the county to exceed its potential, making it an even better place for residents, visitors, and business.

Success looks like:

  • Thriving businesses creating high skilled jobs and investing in technology
  • Roads and transport infrastructure that meet the needs of residents, businesses and visitors
  • Connected communities where the digital infrastructure is as important as any basic utility
  • Tourism destinations that are prosperous and attractive to visitors
  • Our green spaces, natural and built environment are protected for the future
  • Innovative water management that meets supply needs and protects our coast and areas at risk of flooding

Achievements since 2019:

  • Supported nearly 900 businesses from a £11.5m grant to help them survive the impact of the pandemic and help them grow in the future
  • Launched a Green Tourism Toolkit to help businesses to contribute to environmental improvements whilst also attracting tourists to the area who are concerned with the environment

Further actions:

  • • Champion strategic road and rail improvements to make local and regional travel better and support economic growth in the county
  • Plan growth to benefit the whole community by connecting people, housing, employment, businesses, green spaces and the natural environment
  • Continue the successful rollout of broadband to deliver 100% superfast coverage countywide by 2025
  • Promote Lincolnshire as a destination of choice and deliver the recommendations of the Greater Lincolnshire Tourism Plan
  • Manage local risks to our environment to protect our communities’ natural and built resources for future generations
  • Seek devolution from the government to unlock infrastructure investment needed to support local growth
Graphic showing the some of the key information from within the text
A postcard style graphic containing an aerial view of Skegness beach front

Provide good-value council services

Photograph of the South Park Blue Light building taken from the car park

Residents should benefit from good value council services and we are constantly working to make sure that is the norm.

Our services are rated good or excellent, as judged by independent inspectors, and we are regarded as first class in children’s safeguarding and highways management.

In Lincolnshire, we are renowned for our ingenuity, shared values and mindset that have driven positive change, reinforced self-help and community-led solutions.

We have maintained comparatively low council tax levels in a challenging economic climate, whilst continuing to deliver effective services. We seek to continually improve and provide customer-focused services.

Success looks like:

  • High-quality public services that are delivered in a cost-effective way
  • Innovative services that use technology to become more efficient and accessible to the public
  • Efficient use of buildings, land, assets and funding
  • Coordinated service delivery through our one council approach
  • The council is regarded by its workforce as a good employer, attracting and retaining the best
  • Effective partnerships operate across Lincolnshire and are responsive to emerging opportunities

Achievements since 2019:

  • We have reduced greenhouse gas emissions from our own activities by over 70% through investment in energy efficiency initiatives and converting streetlights to LED
  • Made better use of our buildings through a range of smarter working arrangements including shared managed workspace, service hubs and a dedicated work area for senior leaders; in addition to working from home
  • Worked with local partners to develop proposals for the devolution of powers from Government to lever investment into Greater Lincolnshire

Further actions:

  • Implement our digital blueprint and customer services strategy to transform how we engage with communities and enable residents to pay for and access more services online
  • Maximise opportunities from new technology to transform our services
  • Ensure that public sector buildings and our shared public estate can be used flexibly to benefit communities as new ways of working and lifestyles develop post pandemic
  • Review our contracted services and recommission them to be fit for the future.
  • Work in partnership across the public sector in Greater Lincolnshire to exploit opportunities to join up services where they can improve outcomes for residents
A woman comforting another person

Focus of our plan

A street view of Louth's town centre with cars going by and shops in the background

To make sure we continue to provide good services but also work towards meeting the wider needs of Lincolnshire.

We are committed to:

  • Listening to our residents – understanding the key issues for Lincolnshire’s people and places, to help shape services
  • Working collaboratively – developing plans to deliver services and improvements, together with communities and partners
  • Advocating for Lincolnshire – passionately championing our county, attracting additional investment to strengthen our communities
  • Making your money go further – providing evidence-based, transparent, high-quality services that achieve tangible results
  • Innovating and using creative thinking – utilising new technology to explore opportunities and find solutions to our challenges
Graphic showing the some of the key information from within the text

Performance data

Aerial view of the Lincoln Eastern Bypass during construction

A performance framework has been developed to support the transparent delivery of the Corporate Plan.

Our ambitions

Reports performance against the performance indicators and activities that underpin the successful delivery of our ambitions.

Service levels

Reports against performance indicators which monitor the performance of other priority service areas within the council.

For further information please email Corporate_Performance@lincolnshire.gov.uk.


Download the plan

A digital version of the Corporate Plan is available to download and save to your device. 

Download the plan