
Corporate plan

Provide good-value council services

Photograph of the South Park Blue Light building taken from the car park

Residents should benefit from good value council services and we are constantly working to make sure that is the norm.

Our services are rated good or excellent, as judged by independent inspectors, and we are regarded as first class in children’s safeguarding and highways management.

In Lincolnshire, we are renowned for our ingenuity, shared values and mindset that have driven positive change, reinforced self-help and community-led solutions.

We have maintained comparatively low council tax levels in a challenging economic climate, whilst continuing to deliver effective services. We seek to continually improve and provide customer-focused services.

Success looks like:

  • High-quality public services that are delivered in a cost-effective way
  • Innovative services that use technology to become more efficient and accessible to the public
  • Efficient use of buildings, land, assets and funding
  • Coordinated service delivery through our one council approach
  • The council is regarded by its workforce as a good employer, attracting and retaining the best
  • Effective partnerships operate across Lincolnshire and are responsive to emerging opportunities

Achievements since 2019:

  • We have reduced greenhouse gas emissions from our own activities by over 70% through investment in energy efficiency initiatives and converting streetlights to LED
  • Made better use of our buildings through a range of smarter working arrangements including shared managed workspace, service hubs and a dedicated work area for senior leaders; in addition to working from home
  • Worked with local partners to develop proposals for the devolution of powers from Government to lever investment into Greater Lincolnshire

Further actions:

  • Implement our digital blueprint and customer services strategy to transform how we engage with communities and enable residents to pay for and access more services online
  • Maximise opportunities from new technology to transform our services
  • Ensure that public sector buildings and our shared public estate can be used flexibly to benefit communities as new ways of working and lifestyles develop post pandemic
  • Review our contracted services and recommission them to be fit for the future.
  • Work in partnership across the public sector in Greater Lincolnshire to exploit opportunities to join up services where they can improve outcomes for residents
A woman comforting another person