
Corporate plan

Create thriving environments

Aerial view of cars going over a bridge that spans two waterways

Lincolnshire is a thriving county with a unique geography and natural heritage to be enjoyed and protected.

We want to build on our ambition of high aspirations and enhance our strengths, to sustain and develop a prosperous future. A thriving county means being connected and making sure families have access to great services and good quality jobs.

We will work with others to enable the county to exceed its potential, making it an even better place for residents, visitors, and business.

Success looks like:

  • Thriving businesses creating high skilled jobs and investing in technology
  • Roads and transport infrastructure that meet the needs of residents, businesses and visitors
  • Connected communities where the digital infrastructure is as important as any basic utility
  • Tourism destinations that are prosperous and attractive to visitors
  • Our green spaces, natural and built environment are protected for the future
  • Innovative water management that meets supply needs and protects our coast and areas at risk of flooding

Achievements since 2019:

  • Supported nearly 900 businesses from a £11.5m grant to help them survive the impact of the pandemic and help them grow in the future
  • Launched a Green Tourism Toolkit to help businesses to contribute to environmental improvements whilst also attracting tourists to the area who are concerned with the environment

Further actions:

  • • Champion strategic road and rail improvements to make local and regional travel better and support economic growth in the county
  • Plan growth to benefit the whole community by connecting people, housing, employment, businesses, green spaces and the natural environment
  • Continue the successful rollout of broadband to deliver 100% superfast coverage countywide by 2025
  • Promote Lincolnshire as a destination of choice and deliver the recommendations of the Greater Lincolnshire Tourism Plan
  • Manage local risks to our environment to protect our communities’ natural and built resources for future generations
  • Seek devolution from the government to unlock infrastructure investment needed to support local growth
Graphic showing the some of the key information from within the text
A postcard style graphic containing an aerial view of Skegness beach front