
Corporate plan

Support high aspirations

A group of school children listening to a member of Lincs and Notts air ambulance who is say in the helicopter

We are working towards making Lincolnshire a place where everyone has high aspirations for their lives and their communities.

We want the area to be a place where everyone can achieve their full potential, which will only be possible if the county is seen as a great place to live, learn and offers the opportunity to start and build a career.

We know that we have to work with others to help create the environment for this to happen. Our role in supporting our businesses to succeed is essential, enabling them to provide high-quality jobs, skills and development opportunities for residents of all ages and to attract people into our county.

Success looks like:

  • Every child/young person has a high-quality education to succeed in life
  • People have the skills and attributes for good quality careers in the county’s economy
  • Lincolnshire attracts and retains highly-skilled 18-40 year olds and older people continue in work
  • Residents have rewarding, active and healthy lifestyles
  • Residents participate in locally led, prosperous and safe communities

Achievements since 2019:

We have:

  • Supported our residents and businesses through the Covid pandemic and continue to tackle the aftershocks to lives, communities and the economy
  • Supported schools to expand formal partnerships with other local schools to create a more resilient education sector across the county
  • Worked with businesses and the local enterprise partnership to identify key skills needed to support economic growth and more high wage, high skill jobs in Lincolnshire
  • Developed a green master plan, progressing activities that will lead to a net zero county by 2050

Further actions:

  • Champion educational excellence across Lincolnshire
  • Enhance the skills of our communities to meet the needs of our businesses and the economy
  • Have high aspirations for our county, promoting Greater Lincolnshire on the national stage and secure greater devolution of powers
  • Promote thriving voluntary community groups that enable active lifestyles, drive collaboration and community innovation
  • Enhance the safety of local communities by working collaboratively with the police and ambulance services, sharing buildings and response arrangements
Graphic showing the some of the key information from within the text
A young girl wearing safety glasses at a workbench building an electronic device