
Corporate plan

Enable everyone to enjoy life to the full

An older lady sitting on a sofa watching a television while she knits

We want Lincolnshire to be a place where everyone has the opportunity to live their lives to the full, with independence and access to the right support at the right time, whatever their age.

We want all children to have the best possible start in life and we know that having a safe and loving home and good-quality housing is essential. Through collaboration with partners across the county, we want everyone to be given the opportunities that enable them to have a fulfilling life.

We have an important role in ensuring that carers are supported, helping all those who look after others, and that the county’s health and care services are accessible and responsive.

Success looks like:

  • All children have a caring home
  • People are able to live independently in their own home for longer, and positively contribute to their local community
  • There are enough homes for the elderly or vulnerable, which are affordable to them and dignified to live in
  • Those who help care or look after others are supported
  • Disabled adults can participate in meaningful employment
  • All residents have an equal chance of living a healthy life, regardless of circumstances or background

Achievements since 2019:

  • Improved provision for children in care including completing construction works at St Francis and commencing refurbishment for the new Robin House Children’s home in July 2022
  • Work with partners on our housing for independence strategy and a programme of delivery for the next 18 months to benefit both working age adults and for older people
  • Further integration of care and health, supporting the establishment of a new Integrated Care Board (replacing the Clinical Commissioning Group) and new partnerships for integrated care
  • Supported mental health and wellbeing through the 5 Ways to Wellbeing campaign, linking to a wide range of community-based activities to support mental health through Connect2Support

Further actions:

  • Deliver good quality children’s centres, which are at the heart of our communities supporting families, so their children thrive
  • Intervene effectively to keep vulnerable people safe, making sure children in care and care leavers get the best opportunities
  • Create further accommodation options for greater independence and wellbeing
  • Enhance the support we provide for carers
  • Develop mature partnerships for the integration of care and health that will tackle pressure on the system and improve outcomes for our residents
The view from behind of a man with a walking stick walking with a lady and both wearing rucksacks