
Local scheme conditions of service

Pay and grading


We have a locally negotiated pay spine.  Any nationally agreed pay bill increases will be honoured.  We and relevant trade unions are committed to exploring local flexibility in the distribution of such increases.

Payment of salaries

Salaries for all new appointments will be paid each calendar month.  The payment date will be not later than the 23rd day of the month. 

Payment will be by bank credit direct into a bank account.

Trade union subscriptions are, with employees’ agreement, deducted monthly from their salary.

Total reward

We allow employees to:

  • purchase additional annual leave up to a maximum 37 hours (five days) pro rata for part-time employees
  • purchase of flexible benefits as part of their overall package

We have a corporate reward package funded by savings generated from the purchase of annual leave.

Pay progression

(Not applicable to non-teaching staff in schools)

Incremental pay progression will apply to employees appointed on an incremental grade.  The means of progression will be:

To incrementally progress, the employee should not have:

  • received a disciplinary sanction of withholding an increment, or
  • been in capability action within the previous year as per the current policy

Employees appointed to a single spine column point as a spot salary will:

  • not receive incremental progression
  • be subject to the capability policy or other relevant policies
  • have performance and development appraisals

Employees who do not achieve their objectives could be subject to the capability policy or other relevant policies.

Details of the pay progression scheme are shown in the pay and allowances section of the green book.  For further information see part 4.9, paragraph 18.5 of the green book.

Where an employee is appointed under the appointing one point below policy, they may move onto the grade’s first point when they have reached the post’s required standard. This may be at any time within the first 12 months on the recommendation of their manager.  They will still be required to have performance and development appraisals.

Job evaluation

All posts will be evaluated in accordance with the job evaluation scheme.


Employees may appeal against a grading decision through the appeals procedure for GLPC job evaluation scheme.

Salary protection

Salary protection applies to an employee who accepts a post on a lower grade as a result of restructuring or change in the workforce.

Salary protection will apply:

  • for a maximum period of two years
  • with a limit on the maximum protection available of £3,000 (pro rata for part-time staff)
  • the existing salary is immediately frozen.  We will not pay increments or pay awards until or unless the substantive grade maximum exceeds the protected salary
  • after two years, we will adjust the salary paid to that payable at the maximum of the substantive grade

Personal to job holder protection

The job evaluation convention changed on 1 April 2015.  If job description points are adversely impacted due to these changes the employee will:

  • remain on their current grade
  • retain their annual leave entitlement

These arrangements are 'personal to job holder'.  This status will cease when the employee:

  • leaves current post
  • has their job description legitimately reviewed due to job changes.  The salary pay protection would apply if appropriate
  • is appointed to a new post within the council