
Local scheme conditions of service



Before undertaking any journey employees must assess the necessity of travel.

It is expected that employees will use the most cost-effective and environmentally friendly mode of transport.   

We reimburse all car, van and motorcycle business mileage at HMRC rates.  For the rates see reimbursement of expenses in the travel and expenses policy.

Employees who travel more than 8,000 business miles per financial year are expected to join the lease car scheme.  Anyone who does not wish to join the scheme will have their mileage reimbursed at the HMRC rates.

We pay an additional mileage rate for the carriage of necessary passengers.

Other travel rates

These are set out in travel and subsistence rates.

Meals and overnight stays

Meal costs, as a general rule, are the responsibility of the employee.  We will reimburse additional expenditure if an employee:

  • has to spend more than usual due to work demands
  • has prior line manager approval
  • submits receipts

Sometimes an overnight stay is required.  Employees must agree in advance with their line manager for:

  • costs of accommodation and meals
  • any further out-of-pocket expenses

Entertainment of visitors

Employees may be reimbursed the actual costs of entertaining visitors on council business.  Line manager approval is required in advance.

Interview expenditure

We will pay reasonable interview expenses after the appointment has commenced for:

  • mileage at the HMRC AMAP rate
  • cost of public transport

Telephone costs

Some employees, due to the nature of their work, may need to be:

  • contacted out of normal hours
  • often away from the workplace 

We may supply such employees with a mobile telephone or with a telephone line at their home which is for council business purposes only.  We will reimburse the cost of the line rental and business calls.

Training costs

Reimbursement of appropriate fees and expenses will be given in approved cases.

Employees may be required to repay a proportion of expenses incurred if they leave the council within two years after completing training.  Details of when this may be required will be made clear before the employee commits to the training. For further details, see the learning and development policy.

Residential accommodation

All rents and charges for residential accommodation and services are assessed by our valuer and deducted from salary.  The assessment is based on:

  • type of property
  • size and location
  • standard
  • access to facilities
  • services provided (such as heating, lighting, laundry)


Employees must notify HR if they receive any fees for:

  • press, radio, television interviews
  • writing books or articles
  • giving lectures concerned with an employee’s work

We may make an appropriate deduction from the employee’s salary unless annual leave has been taken to carry out this work.

Long service award

Employees who have completed 20, 30 and 40 years continuous service with the council and its predecessor authorities will receive a long service award.

(Note: Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue have a separate scheme for their employees).