
Local scheme conditions of service


This content applies to all our employees except for fire employees on grey and gold book terms and conditions.


This Local Scheme of Conditions of Service is effective from 1 April 1999 as amended by the Collective Agreements of:

  • 1 April 2007
  • 1 October 2011
  • 1 April 2015
  • 2022 NJC pay award for annual leave entitlements

Where local conditions have not been agreed, the National Agreement on Pay and Conditions of Service section within the National Joint Council for Local Government Services will apply.


As indicated in terms and conditions documents, employees are appointed subject to:

  • the National Joint Council (NJC) for Local Government Services National Agreement on Pay and Conditions of Service (referred to as the Green Book)
  • the local Collective Agreement of 1 April 2007 implementing the pay and grading review
  • our local scheme conditions of service
  • any other arrangements which have been negotiated locally

Local agreements are subject to review between us and our recognised trade unions.

These conditions of service have been agreed with those trade unions recognised for the NJC for local government services’ employees:

  • Unison
  • GMB
  • Unite - T&GWU

It replaces conditions of service of the former:

  • NJC for APT&C services
  • NJC for manual workers
  • local scheme of conditions of service for APT&C staff
  • local conditions of service for chief officers and the chief executive


  • ‘Employee’ means any full time and part time employee who has a contract of employment with the council.
  • Governing bodies in schools with delegated budgets are responsible for discipline, dismissal and grievance procedures in addition to equal opportunities.  We are responsible for equal pay across community schools. 
  • The conditions of service relating to these matters will be given to new appointees or are available from the headteacher.
  • Where terms and conditions of service for some other employment groups are silent, this local scheme applies.


This local scheme will be reviewed as part of a wider review of the local agreement on single status.

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