
Green book employees pay and conditions policy

Policy overview

This policy aims to implement our national and locally-negotiated agreements covering pay, grading and allowances:

  • fairly and consistently
  • in compliance with equal pay requirements

Schools that have adopted the Collective Agreement of April 2007 should also implement this policy. 

In schools where we are the employer, and the governing body has not adopted the Collective Agreement, we may make representations to the governing body. We will do this within seven days of receiving a support staff appointment recommendation if we have concerns about their pay.


We must comply with equal pay regulations and our diversity and inclusion policy to eliminate unlawful discrimination in respect of:

  • race and ethnicity
  • disability
  • gender
  • age
  • religion or belief
  • sexual orientation

We apply pay decisions consistently across the council. Where discretions are available, we treat all employees equally.

Minimum standards

This policy gives the minimum requirements for managers and HR. Where discretions apply, we must ensure we take equal pay requirements into account.


Directors, senior managers, headteachers and governors are responsible for:

  • reviewing and revising progression schemes and career grades
  • approving pay progression and honoraria payments
  • providing evidence for salary supplements
  • attending meetings to discuss supplements where required

Managers and school governors are responsible for:

  • administering this policy, as adopted in schools, and working to the minimum standards
  • resolving issues raised by individual staff related to their job description

Corporate management board are responsible for:

  • authorising payment of the annual cost of living awards

Service managers are responsible for:

  • reviewing and revising this policy
  • authorising salary supplements where appropriate
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