
Green book employees pay and conditions policy

Pay and allowances

Pay and grading structure

Our pay spine was agreed by the Collective Agreement of 1 April 2007.

The Single Status Agreement of 1999 agreed that:

  • nationally-negotiated pay bill increases are honoured
  • the council and relevant trade unions are committed to looking at such increases

View our pay policy statement.

Job evaluation

The GLPC job evaluation scheme evaluates all local government posts subject to the NJC for local government services. For more information, read the job evaluation and grading policy.

We treat all employees equally. We will justify any pay difference based on a genuine material factor. We will not discriminate on unlawful grounds.

The evaluated score for the post determines the salary for the job under our pay structure.

Starting pay

All posts, except for those on single spine column points, are appointed on the minimum of the grade. If we appoint above, the manager must ensure there are no implications with regard to existing employees, such as equal pay issues.

New appointments

All appointments above the minimum point of the grade should be objective. We will be able to justify them, and we will not discriminate.

Appointment to a higher grade

We may apply starting pay above the minimum where the new grade overlaps the current grade, such as internal promotions.

Where an employee moves to a new position within their current grade, it does not affect incremental pay progression. If an employee takes up a new post in a higher grade, they are appointed at least one increment higher than their current salary. 

For more information about pay increments, read our pay policy statement.

Non-incremental posts

Non-incremental posts do not have incremental pay progression. Employees must have performance and development appraisals with their manager. 

Appointing one point below

Managers may appoint a person one point below the minimum grade for the post for up to 12 months. We may use this when appointing staff who do not have all the knowledge and skills to fully carry out all the post duties. For more details, read our recruitment policy.

Single spine column point posts

A post may only have a single spine column point. The point will relate to the job evaluation points scored for that post. The criteria for placing posts on a single SCP are in our job evaluation and grading policy.

Pay progression increments

Pay progression increments apply to posts except for occupations that we pay on a single spine column point.

We apply incremental pay progression from 1 April each year.

New employees appointed after 1 October (up to 31 March) will need to be confirmed in post following a successful final probation review meeting to be eligible for an increment. This review meeting is held after six months in post.

Anyone appointed between 1 April and 1 October who successfully completes their final probation review will be eligible for an increment the following April.

Employees who move to a new post after 1 October of any year (up to 31 March) will be eligible for a pay progression increment at the end of their first six months in post, where applicable.

Employees who move to a new post between 1 April and 1 October of any year will be eligible for an increment the following April.

Employees at the top scale point of their grade for their current post cannot receive another pay increment.

Acting up

Acting-up arrangements often need to be made as quickly as possible. Any selection procedure is likely to be shorter than, for example, a planned secondment. We determine the selection process by:

  • the time pressures to cover the post
  • the number of employees with the necessary expertise and experience

We pay employees an appropriate level for the duties we ask them to perform.  

If the employee undertakes the post's full duties, we will pay them on the minimum point of the post's evaluated grade.

If the employee only undertakes some duties, we will evaluate the work to determine the pay level. The manager must submit a job description or list of duties to HR for evaluation.  

As an alternative in these circumstances, we may consider an honorarium.

Managers will apply a fair and transparent process when appointing to an acting-up position. They must be mindful of equal opportunity principles.


We may make an honorarium payment for exceptional or special work undertaken on a short-term basis for up to six months. In certain circumstances, we may extend this. The head of service must approve the honoraria.  Final authorisation is given by the relevant assistant director.

The payment may:

  • reward additional hours (where not overtime payments)
  • cover tasks involving responsibilities at a higher level

The honorarium payment amount will relate to the work's level and other objective criteria. The manager may refer to similar-graded jobs under the job evaluation system when judging an appropriate payment.

Honoraria payments for the Local Government Pension Scheme are pensionable and will have contributions taken on them.

Payments for contractual and non-contractual overtime and additional hours are also pensionable. The calculation of benefits is detailed on annual benefits statements.

The appropriate manager must complete the allowance and salary amendment form on Business World to action a payment. 

The deadline for submission of forms is the 2nd day of each month to ensure the month's salary payment is correct.


Allowances will follow the local scheme of conditions of service or jointly agreed-on schemes in directorates.  

For more details, read our local scheme of conditions of service.

We will negotiate allowances with our recognised trade unions.

Salary supplements

We recognise that it may be challenging to recruit new employees in some posts. To maintain a skilled and experienced workforce, we may pay salary supplements. These can be up to 15 per cent of the salary.

Our policy enables directors to pay such salary supplements fairly and ensures we do not breach any equal pay legislation. 

For more details, read our attraction and retention policy.

Attraction and retention supplements  

We may pay attraction or retention supplements to maintain a skilled and experienced workforce in some posts. Our policy enables us to pay such supplements fairly and ensures we do not breach any equal pay legislation. 

For more details, read our attraction and retention policy.

Other progression schemes and career grades

We operate several directorate-based schemes that enable employees in designated posts to progress to a higher grade or grades. Job advertisements and contracts of employment refer to the schemes.  

We set out how employees can move from one evaluated grade to another under the scheme principles. We evaluate each stage on a career scheme, and employees must work to the job description relating to the level of the post. 

For more details, read our job evaluation and grading policy.

Salary protection

Salary protection is as per our local scheme of conditions of service.

Advice and support

For advice and support, contact HR.