
Identifying and supporting SEND

What happens if there are still issues?

Most children and young people have their needs met in a mainstream educational setting using the Graduated Approach.

Your SENDCo will discuss your child's needs with you and all other supporting professionals.

You may feel that your child or young person is not making enough development with their SEND support.

If so, the school or educational setting, or you, may consider a request for an Education, Health and Care (EHC) needs assessment.

If you live in Lincolnshire, you can ask us for an EHC assessment if you are:

  • the child’s parent
  • a young person over the age of 16 but under the age of 25
  • acting on behalf of a school or college (with the knowledge and agreement of the parent or young person where possible)

You do not need a medical diagnosis to apply.

A multi-agency panel will consider the request at an 'allocation meeting'. It will decide if an assessment is necessary and let you know within six weeks.

What happens next?

If the panel agrees to issue an Education, Care and Health (EHC) plan, it will give you a draft.

It will then take four weeks to confirm the details and the educational setting that the child or young person will attend. 

During this time, the panel will ask you to suggest changes to the draft and state your preferred educational setting. You will have 15 days to respond. 

The EHC plan is finalised within 20 weeks of the initial request. 

Once in place, your SEND caseworker will ask the educational setting to arrange a meeting. They will introduce the EHC plan and discuss the short-term targets, support and monitoring.

Choosing a school

In your EHC plan, you have a right to request that we name:

  • a maintained school or nursery (mainstream or special)
  • an academy (mainstream or special)
  • an institution in the further education sector
  • a non-maintained special school
  • a Section 41 school 

To find a list of schools, .

We must accept a preference unless, following consultation with the setting, we decide that:

  • it is unsuitable for the child's age, ability, aptitude or SEND
  • placing the child there is not compatible with the efficient use of resources or education of others


We do not automatically provide home-to-school transport with an EHC plan unless we have identified an exceptional need. 

If we do not provide it, read our school and college transport policy.