
Identifying and supporting SEND

Moving into the area

You may need to transfer from one local authority to another in England.

What the family must do

  • your current local authority must transfer the EHC plan to the new authority
  • when moving area, it's essential to let your existing local authority know that you are moving
  • you must also contact your current SEND team to give them your new address and the date that you will be moving 
  • the EHCP transfer must take place on the day you move unless you have not given 15 days' notice. If you have not given notice, the 15 days starts from the day you inform them of the move

What the current authority must do

  • transfer the EHC plan and the opinion they reached
  • if your child doesn't have a plan but is awaiting a statutory assessment, they must also share all the information and advice received

What the new authority must do

The new authority becomes responsible for maintaining the EHC plan and the special educational provisions specified. 

Your child or young person should continue to attend the educational setting specified in the EHC plan or, if appropriate, the same type.

The new authority will inform the parent or young person of when they will review the plan. 

After the review, it is transferred into the EHC plan format used by that local authority. This will happen:

  • within 12 months of it being made, or
  • within three months of it being transferred

If you move after requesting or starting an EHC needs assessment, your new local authority will:

  • carry out an EHC needs assessment themselves, or
  • use the information provided by the previous authority

As the new authority, we will consider the former authority's EHC needs assessment information. We will use their information as part of our decision-making.

If you have a personal budget, we ensure adequate and timely arrangements for the continuity of your child's provision.

Moving to or from Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland

The requirements for special educational needs in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland all differ from arrangements in England.

Lincolnshire will apply the same principles to ensure your child's special educational needs are met. We will look to transition to an EHC plan at the next planned review if your child is moving with:

  • a Statement of SEND from Wales or Northern Ireland
  • a Co-ordinated Support Plan from Scotland

Children of service personnel in the armed forces

Service personnel families may move more than the rest of the population, sometimes at short notice. 

If these transitions are well-managed, it avoids service children with SEND experiencing delays in assessing and meeting their needs.

For advice, you can: