
Identifying and supporting SEND

Concerns about your child's progress

All children learn differently, some faster than others.  

You may notice an issue when your child is young. Your child's nursery or school may notice it when they get older. 

Two-year-old progress checks 

When your child is aged two, early years childcare providers, like nurseries, will review their progress. 

They will provide you with a short, written summary of your child's development. It will cover:

  • personal, social and emotional development 
  • physical development 
  • speech and language 

The two-year-old check is to identify development needs. It will help your child to get support if needed. 

Providers need your consent to share information with other professionals. 

Sometimes your child's learning and development may not progress as expected, even with teaching methods adapted to your child's education. In that case, your child might have special educational needs.