
Pupil reintegration team

The pupil reintegration team

The pupil reintegration team are a service to support schools and children that are experiencing challenging behaviour and emotional based school avoidance (EBSA). We promote the inclusion of vulnerable young people and help to reduce isolation and exclusion from school.

We support head teachers, schools, parents and other agencies working with pupils who are at risk of permanent exclusion. We offer guidance for schools and governors, and best practice solutions regarding behaviour management, developing efficient management systems, encouraging good practice through partnership working and reducing the incidences of disruptive behaviour and exclusions. We will support at pastoral support plan (PSP) meetings and subsequent meetings up to and following a permanent exclusion. We also offer training for governors around exclusions.

We provide early intervention and support and are responsible for ensuring that pupils, who have been permanently excluded from either a Lincolnshire school or school from other local authorities where the pupil resides in Lincolnshire, are placed in appropriate, alternative educational provision (AP) from the sixth day of their permanent exclusion. We support schools and families by providing advice relating to legal processes, following a permanent exclusion, including pupil discipline committee meetings and independent review panels.

 and the government website regarding

See our school attendance page for more information

We also support head teachers, schools, parents and other agencies working with pupils who are at risk of EBSA.  We offer a wide range of support to schools in relation to EBSA and there is an EBSA pathway in place to enable schools to implement robust whole school systems as well as individual meaningful support to remove the barriers that cause EBSA.  EBSA caseworkers are able to support with identifying signs of EBSA, offer consultations, training and advice, share good practice, guide through the implementation of thorough and meaningful cycles of assess, plan, do and review and signpost to alternative agencies for advice and information. Further information about EBSA and the EBSA pathway