
Redeployment policy

Policy overview

We recognise the importance of job security and the benefits of continuity for service provision.  We are committed to retaining skills, knowledge and experience. Where possible, we aim to redeploy eligible employees. The process will be fair and consistent.   


Employees have primary at-risk status if they are 

  • selected for redundancy (refer to our managing change policy)
  • unable to continue their role due to an underlying health condition 

Employees have secondary at-risk status if they have pay protection. The status will be for the pay protection period only. 

At-risk employees have priority consideration for any vacancy. Priority consideration means they are entitled to an interview before any other candidate if:  

  • the post is at the same or lower grade level to their existing post 
  • they meet the essential requirements or would do, given suitable training 

Completion of any training must be within six months.  

We should appoint at-risk employees who meet the essential requirements of a post they apply for. If we do not appoint them, the recruiting manager will write to the employee giving the reasons. The recruiting manager will do this before looking at any other candidates. 

We will seek to redeploy at-risk employees into suitable alternative jobs at the same grade. Usually, redeployment is on the same terms and conditions as the current role. 

The normal competitive recruitment process applies to: 

  • at-risk employees who are considering jobs at a higher grade  
  • all other employees seeking alternative employment for any other reason 

We offer support to employees to find a new role.  

The same redeployment protection applies to employees on a fixed-term or temporary contract. These employees must have four years of service with us. 

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