
Redeployment policy


Recruiting managers may advertise internally first to see if there are any suitable internal candidates, including redeployees.

For positions also advertised externally, managers must consider candidates on the redeployment register.  They must apply priority consideration to those 'at risk'.

Recruiting managers must use the essential criteria in the person specification to assess a redeployee's suitability. They will consider transferable skills and any other requested information when evaluating the redeployee's ability to carry out the role.  

The same requirements of fairness and due process apply to internal and external interviews. .

Sometimes, a redeployee may attain new skills in the trial period or the first six months. The recruiting manager must take into account the attainment of new skills when considering selection.  

Recruiting managers will offer to provide feedback to all redeployee applicants not invited for an interview or appointed. 

If one or more internal candidate matches the post's person specification, the recruiting manager will prioritise those at-risk.  

If there are one or more primary at-risk candidates who are suitable, the recruiting manager will offer the position to the most suitable candidate. This will follow an interview and the taking up of references.

Employees on a Tier 2 visa 

Redeployment of Tier 2 visa employees to an alternative role cannot happen automatically. An exception is if the new role is under the same standard occupational classification as their previous role.  

If an employee on a Tier 2 visa changes to a role with a different standard occupational classification, they must make a new visa application. The employee may be subject to the resident labour market test. Managers must contact HR for advice if this situation arises.