
Redeployment policy

Identifying redeployees

There are many reasons why an employee may seek a change in their employment, such as: 

  • being at risk 
  • breakdown of working relationships 
  • breakdown of personal relationships between employees working in the same area 
  • change in personal circumstances 
  • as a result of a harassment or bullying complaint 
  • development or promotion 

An employee may ask their manager to request support to find an alternative position. The manager may agree if: 

  • it is in the best interests of the employee and us. For example, following a disciplinary or capability procedure 
  • the employee is at-risk 

Managers will support employees by providing: 

  • time off to attend internal interviews  
  • references to other managers as part of the recruitment process 

At-risk employees have priority consideration for roles. Recruiting managers will be advised by HR when this applies.  This will ensure that these employees are considered first, before any other candidate.  If they meet the essential criteria they will be interviewed.

We will record an at-risk employee's details on the redeployment register, held within HR. A manager will: 

  • work with the employee to fill in the register 
  • support the employee to search for redeployment within the council 
  • advise the employee to create an online account on our e-recruitment system 
  • provide information on how to set up job alerts 

Employees should mark their job applications: 

  • 'primary at-risk' if the employee is at risk of redundancy, or seeking medical redeployment' redeployment
  • 'secondary at-risk' if the employee has pay protection 
  • 'internal' if the employee is not at risk. We do not guarantee interviews if they meet the essential criteria. To retain skills and talent, managers may consider internal candidates wanting to redeploy.