
Managing change policy

Policy overview

We aim to develop as a high performing, sustainable local authority. Forward planning helps safeguard the employment of employees throughout any changes.

We acknowledge that change can be difficult for employees. We support employees affected, and the managers implementing change.

We will manage any change situation with care and sensitivity to all employees. It will be in line with the core values and the standards set out in our diversity and inclusion policy.

This policy sets out how we manage the organisational change that affects groups of employees. It can be in situations where:

  • roles and responsibilities in a service area are being re-aligned, or varied
  • the size of the workforce in a service area is reducing
  • redeployment and redundancies may occur as a result of these changes

This policy and supporting policies ensure we identify the need for change and manage the transition. 

The supporting policies include the redeployment policy and retirement policy, including flexible retirement. We will make all actions in accordance with the change management agreement developed with Unison.

Managers will get approval of any proposed restructure from the director leadership team (DLT) and the corporate leadership team (CLT). This will include an agreement with finance on how to cover any potential redundancy costs, before any such exercise starts.


We must review how we provide services. We recognise that working with employees and trade unions is the most effective way of managing change. We will consult with the unions to try to manage changes through voluntary measures and the application of the supporting policies and procedures. The main principles of these policies are: 

  • to have full open consultation with employees and trade unions at the earliest stage 
  • clear communication processes
  • compliance with employment law
  • commitment to our diversity and inclusion policy

Where a change or restructure arises, we will ensure that: 

  • our processes comply with all employment legislation and our policies, including equality and diversity
  • we complete an equality impact assessment as early as possible on the proposed change or restructure
  • we consult employees and their representatives on any proposals and implementation 
  • we base selection for redundancy on clear criteria
  • we offer reasonable support and advice to employees who wish to consider redeployment, or who volunteer to take redundancy to help find suitable work when their employment comes to an end

After addressing all voluntary measures, we may consider compulsory redundancy, as a last resort, as described in the change management agreement.

Working for a better future graphic


Any related managers toolkits, letters and forms for this policy are available on Lincs2Learn.