
Learning and development policy

Course fees

We may reimburse fees and expenses for learning in approved cases. 

Before granting leave or financial assistance, we may require a guarantee of service. This is an agreement to remain in the employment of the council. It will be for a specific period after the completion of learning. 

For leave and pay arrangements, a 'learning event' is:

  • a seminar or conference
  • a workshop
  • a tutorial
  • a webinar
  • a study course, requiring day release to attend college  
  • attendance at meetings or reviews, if integral to the course syllabus
  • attendance at examinations
  • attendance at graduation or presentation awards, on completion of a course of study

We may provide time off for learning events with pay. We will pay total regular earnings to attend the courses.

Employees will need to agree on the number of days required for the study with their manager. The number of days will follow the requirements for the study. 

We will require the .

Some study requires employees to pass exams to move to the next stage. They will be required to comply with this to continue with the support from us. 

Employees must make progress with their study. If we fund or part-fund the course, managers will hold regular meetings with employees. This is to monitor progress and provide support. 

If it appears that an employee is not progressing as expected, we may withdraw support. We may require repayment of course fees.

If an employee is unsuccessful in their first attempt at obtaining an approved qualification, they may have a second attempt. They will need to show that they made reasonable progress during the first attempt. 

We are committed to supporting employees through study and learning. This includes doing re-takes or considering additional time for study. 

A second attempt will be at the employee's own expense. 

At times, attendance may require additional time to the typical standard day. The actual time taken that an employee can claim is up to the maximum working day (12 hours). 

Employees may claim more than 12 hours if their day exceeds the maximum working day. This may occur due to meetings, conferences or seminars that require early starts or late finishes.  

Employees must have prior agreement from their manager.  

If the course takes place, or in part takes place, outside of regular working hours. Managers will agree to:

  • work during the agreed working hours and claims for Time Off In Lieu (TOIL)
  • attendance for a standard day and claims for a typical working day

If we approve paid leave, attendance at an event is attendance 'on duty'. 

This applies to part-time employees and those on shift work.

Employees must report an absence from learning due to sickness. If necessary, they will need certification. 

If employees do not report this absence, we will record it as an unauthorised absence. 

There is no automatic allowance of pay for time off for learning events over the weekend. If an employee's average working week includes a weekend, the standard entitlements will apply. Employees should discuss any exceptions to this with their managers.

We may require a refund of all or part of the financial assistance if an employee: 

  • fails to sit for an exam within a reasonable period
  • fails to show progress in your studies
  • discontinues the course
  • leaves our employment within two years of completing the learning activity

Refunds will be in accordance with the overpayment recovery process.