
Grievance policy and procedure

Policy overview

We believe that everyone should receive the same treatment and respect. There may be occasions where you have problems or concerns. This may be about:  

  • an employee's work  
  • working conditions 
  • relationships with colleagues 

Employees may wish to talk to us to find a resolution. This policy and procedure provides a framework and outlines how they can do this in a safe and supportive environment.  

We are committed to attempting to resolve issues. We encourage employees to bring concerns to their line manager.  

We recognise that by working together managers, employees and trade union representatives can work towards resolving issues at an early stage. This removes the need for invoking formal procedures.  

This is achievable by having: 

  • open and constructive working relationships  
  • a genuine desire by all to resolve issues  

Not all attempts to resolve issues will be successful. In this case, employees may need to raise a grievance under this procedure.   

A grievance should be concerned with: 

  • how the employee believes they have been treated by the organisation or managers acting on its behalf 
  • colleagues  
  • an aspect of the employee's work 

Issues and concerns that may cause grievances include concerns regarding: 

  • the allocation of work 
  • working environment or conditions 
  • the opportunities for development 
  • the way the employee feels they have been treated 

We expect employees to act as role models for the organisation. They should proactively challenge behaviour that may affect employee health and well-being. 

As appropriate we will investigate complaints of misconduct on the part of another employee. We will deal with this under the disciplinary procedure.  

We do not consider the following issues under the grievance procedure: 

  • those that are the subject of collective negotiation or consultation with trade unions 

If employees have complaints about any disciplinary action taken against them, we will deal with this as an appeal under the disciplinary procedure. Grievances may occur at all levels. This procedure applies to everyone. 

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Any related managers toolkits, letters and forms for this policy are available on Lincs2Learn.