
Grievance policy and procedure

Harassment and bullying

We are committed to creating a work environment free of harassment and bullying, where everyone is treated with dignity and respect. We recognise the harmful effects of harassment and bullying.

We will not tolerate harassment and bullying of any kind. We will investigate allegations of harassment. If appropriate, we will take disciplinary action.

Employees may use this grievance policy to raise an issue concerning harassment or bullying. 

Alternatively, employees may raise issues in confidence with a senior officer in HR services by email.

We will not tolerate victimisation of a person for making allegations of bullying or harassment. Victimisation is a disciplinary offence. These provisions apply to the workplace during working hours and at other work-related activities, which may be outside of working hours:

  • training courses 
  • conferences  
  • social functions 

Read our harassment and bullying policy.