
Grievance policy and procedure

Grievance meeting

The first step of the grievance procedure is for the employee to put their complaint in writing to their manager. In situations where a grievance involves their manager, they should raise the grievance with their manager’s manager.  

This written statement will form the basis of any subsequent meetings and any investigations.  

It is essential that it clearly sets out the nature of the grievance. This includes: 

  • dates and times of relevant events 
  • names of any witnesses 
  • the actions taken to date  
  • to indicate the outcome the employee is seeking

If the grievance is unclear, we may ask the employee to clarify the issues before any meetings take place. Employees may complete the Grievance Submission Form (Appendix 1). They may also provide their own written correspondence via letter or email.   

If we have tried to resolve the issues before, through an informal approach, we may request an independent manager. They could be from the same or different service area. They will hear the grievance to provide a new perspective and an independent view. 

The manager concerned will arrange a grievance meeting to take place with a minimum of five working days' notice. Where this timescale is not possible, the manager will agree to a revised timescale with the employee.  

Also in attendance will be:

  • the manager who has dealt with the matter up to now.  This will be the manager who has considered the grievance at the informal stage.
  • an HR representative
  • a note taker

We will provide copies of all relevant documentation, including investigatory reports to those who attend the grievance meetings.

At the meeting, we will ask the employee to explain their grievance. They will need to discuss all the relevant facts concerning the matter. 

Any further meetings to discuss the matter will include providing copies of any relevant documentation. This includes any investigation material. 

Where appropriate, we may appoint an independent investigator who will: 

  • gather facts and information 
  • interview witnesses 

All those involved must have the opportunity to respond to the issues. We will hold as many meetings as necessary to investigate the grievance. 

Following full consideration, we will meet with the employee who raised the grievance. We will advise them of our findings and any actions to be taken to resolve matters. We will confirm this in writing.  

It is important to note that if as a result of a grievance, disciplinary action or other action is being considered towards other employees, the individual who raised the grievance will not be advised of the outcome of those proceedings.  This is confidential and private to the employees involved.

The outcomes of the grievance may be:  

  • to uphold, either wholly or in part, the grievance 
  • to not uphold the grievance 
  • describe the actions that we will take to resolve the grievance or as a consequence of the grievance

We will also advise of the right of appeal.