
Grievance policy and procedure

Grievance procedure

The following will apply in the grievance procedure: 

  • "working days" are defined as weekdays (Monday to Friday). This excludes Bank Holidays and statutory holidays. This is despite the actual days worked by any employee 
  • employees must raise a grievance within three months of the incident. This is unless exceptional circumstances apply. We may not consider a grievance raised outside of this timescale

Through the formal procedure, employees have the right to be accompanied by: 

  • a trade union representative 
  • a work colleague 
  • an official employed by a trade union 

No other representation will be permitted to attend the meeting 

Where there are grounds for a reasonable adjustment for a disabled employee to be made for an alternative companion. They should discuss this with the manager hearing the grievance. In all cases, they must tell the manager who their chosen companion is at least 24 hours before the meeting. 

If the trade union official is not known to management, they must provide documentation stating that the companion is: 

  • an official of the union concerned 
  • authorised by that union to represent employees 
  • if employed by us, is allowed reasonable time off from duties. This is without loss of pay, but no-one is obliged to act as a companion 

If the employee or the companion is unavailable at the time of the meeting, we may reschedule the meeting. It will take place within the following five days.

If the employee fails to attend the re-arranged hearing, they will be advised that grievance or representation may be: 

  • considered by us in their absence 
  • considered to have been withdrawn and nothing further will be done 

The companion may address the meeting. They can:  

  • present and sum up the grievance 
  • respond on the employee's behalf to any views expressed at the meeting  
  • confer with the employee

The companion does not have the right to:  

  • answer questions on the employee's behalf 
  • address the meeting if the employee does not wish it 
  • prevent us from questioning the employee 

The grievance procedure should not be used where specific appeal provisions exist. For example:  

  • in respect of disciplinary 
  • flexible retirement or working 
  • job evaluation or grading decisions