
Code of conduct

Reporting procedures

An employee must not treat another county council employee less favourably than other employees. 

It is a breach of an employee's terms and conditions of employment and our policies if they victimise another employee who has used our reporting procedures to report the misconduct of others. 

The whistleblowing policy (confidential reporting code) intends to encourage and enable anybody who works for or on behalf of us to raise serious concerns and to make it clear that reporting can happen without fear of reprisal.  

The Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998 (PIDA) and the Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Act 2013 protect employees who raise any concerns.  


Fraud is a deliberate deception to gain a personal advantage. The effects of fraud or corrupt activities can have a severe negative impact on everyone.  These actions have no place within an ethical organisation.

Fraud includes:

  • deception
  • bribery
  • forgery
  • extortion
  • corruption
  • theft
  • conspiracy
  • embezzlement
  • misappropriation
  • false representation
  • concealment of material facts
  • collusion

The anti-fraud policy aims to deter, detect and take action against any attempted fraud or corrupt acts. 

An employee must not undertake or assist in fraud, whether intentional or not.   

Breach of this policy could result in disciplinary action and criminal prosecution.