
Code of conduct


Employees are accountable to us for their actions. They are required to comply with legislation, terms and conditions of employment, service and other written guidelines.  


A commitment by all employees to implement equalities in all aspects of their work is fundamental to effective service provision and effective working relationships

All members of the public, customers, suppliers, and other employees have a right to be treated with fairness and equity. 

Employees must comply with the law and our policies relating to: 

  • equalities 
  • diversity and inclusion 
  • equal opportunities   

Employees are required to read the diversity and inclusion policy.  Employees should strive to ensure that they do not discriminate against anybody, whether employee or customer.

We will not tolerate discriminatory behaviour, including harassment. The disciplinary procedure will be applied and employees may be subject to criminal proceedings. 

Health and safety 

Employees must adhere to the health and safety at work policy and associated policies.   

Employees must not act in a manner liable to place anyone at risk. You must adhere to the duty of care prescribed in the health and safety at work policy.  

Standards of dress and appearance 

An employee's standard of dress and personal adornment must be appropriate to their work. Inappropriate dress can create the view that we are inefficient or create offence. It can be interpreted as disrespectful by the public. 

We value and welcome the diversity of our workforce. We will take account of ethnic and religious dress requirements with sensitivity. 

We expect employees to conform to health and safety clothing requirements and to wear any uniform issued. 


Employees need to be aware of the possible abuse of children and vulnerable adults. If an employee has concerns, they must follow the safeguarding policy. If employees work with children and vulnerable adults, they have a responsibility to safeguard and promote their welfare. 

For more information read the adult safeguarding policy or .

Terms and conditions of employment and of service 

Employees must read and understand the conditions of employment and conditions of service under which we employ them. This includes all local policies, which take into account all legislation and the local and national schemes. Employees are responsible for ensuring that they comply with the latest versions of these policies and conditions.  

Social media  

Employees must ensure that they are aware of and follow the advice and guidance about using social media. Details are in the social media and mobile devices in employment policy and the social media policy. We respect an employee's private life but must ensure that confidentiality and our reputation are protected.  

When using social networking websites in your private life, an employee must not:  

  • promote yourself as working for us in a way which may bring us into disrepute 
  • identify other county council employees or customers without their consent 
  • make any defamatory remarks about us, our customers, clients, partner organisations, employees or managers 
  • conduct yourself in a way that is detrimental to us 
  • disclose personal data or information or images that could breach data protection legislation about: 
  • the council  
  • our customers 
  • clients 
  • partner organisations 
  • employees or  
  • managers  

Our social media policies apply to:  

  • all service areas 
  • when employees are engaged in our business 
  • an employee's personal use of social media where it could have a negative impact on our reputation 

Employees are also required to comply with IT and email policies.  

Electronic recording 

Unless authorised, employees are not permitted to record meetings by electronic, audio or video devices. Authorisation must be from the appropriate senior manager before any such recording taking place. This includes all meetings associated with disciplinary, grievance, appeals and any other such procedures. 

It may be beneficial to record meetings to support with the preparation of notes. The meeting organiser must clarify the need to make the recording with all present at the start of the meeting.   

Local and professional requirements 

Employees are required to comply with: 

  • our policies and procedures  
  • any other specific guidelines issued by your service or director area.   

We may refer to these as local working practices or local requirements. 

Where you are a member of a professional institute or association, you are obliged to comply with any of their professional code and standards of practice.