
Code of conduct

Respect for others

Employees must: 

  • treat others with respect 
  • not discriminate unlawfully against any person 
  • treat members and co-opted members professionally 

Harassment and bullying


The working environment is one where all its employees are treated with dignity and respect. The harassment and bullying policy along with other policies, procedures and guidance deal with this. 

We expect employees to act as role models for the organisation. Employees should proactively challenge behaviour and actions that may adversely affect health and wellbeing. 


Mutual respect between employees and councillors is essential to good local government. Close personal familiarity between an employee and individual councillors can damage the relationship. It can prove embarrassing to other employees and councillors and should be avoided.  

If an employee enters into a personal relationship with a councillor, they must declare this to their manager. 

The local community and service users 

We expect employees to give the highest possible standard of service to the public. Where it is part of their duties, they must provide appropriate advice to councillors and fellow employees with impartiality.   

In carrying out duties and responsibilities, an employee's honesty and integrity must be beyond question.   

Customer care, politeness and courtesy must be maintained with appropriate professional boundaries. Particular attention must be paid to this when in contact with vulnerable service user groups.  

Employees must ensure courteous, efficient and impartial service to all groups and individuals. Behaviour which is disrespectful, antagonistic and aggressive is not acceptable.  

We do not expect employees to tolerate behaviour from customers, clients or the public that is disrespectful, antagonistic and aggressive. Report this immediately if this occurs. An employee's service or director area may have its own customer care policy in addition to these guidelines. Refer to the corporate customer service policy.  

We expect employees to be ready and able at the agreed times to carry out their job, as per .  


All relationships of a business or private nature with our external or potential contractors must be made known to the appropriate manager in the director or service area.  

We must award orders and contracts on merit in fair competition with other tenders. We must not discriminate against or show special favours to any part of the local community.


An employee must advise their manager or director in writing if they find they have a financial or other interest in a contract which has or could be entered into by us.