
Code of conduct

Personal interests

In their official or personal capacity, employees must not:

  • allow personal interests to conflict with our requirements 
  • misuse their position to confer an advantage or disadvantage on any person 

Employees are required to declare an interest if you have a connection or potential connection with any business or organisation which deals with us. This includes voluntary bodies. 

An employee's life away from work is their personal concern. An employee must not subordinate their work to their private interests.   

An employee should not put themself in a position where their job, or our interests and their own personal interests conflict. This includes behaviour that could undermine our confidence or trust in the employee. For example, facing criminal charges.  

Employees must notify their manager or director without delay of any criminal investigation, charge or caution. This does not include minor driving offences if their job does not include the use of a car.   

These rules apply for charges incurred within or outside the course of your employment.  

Additional employment 

We will not prevent an employee from undertaking additional employment providing it does not:

  • conflict with the interests of, or in any way weaken public confidence in us 
  • in any way affect the performance of their duties and responsibilities whilst at work or  
  • where their current position could confer an advantage to their private interest or personal gain 

If there is a conflict, the employee's manager can ask them to discontinue conflicting private business interests. 

Employees are required to obtain prior consent from their manager if they wish to take up any additional employment. This is important if they:- 

  • may exceed an average of 48 hours work per week, or  
  • which could have a detrimental effect on the employee's health and safety 

 We will not unreasonably withhold this consent.  

Alcohol and drugs  

The prevention of alcohol and drug misuse policy aims to ensure that employees report fit for work and to perform their duties.  

The consumption of alcohol is not permitted on our premises unless specifically approved by a senior manager. We prohibit the use, possession, distribution or sale of drugs at the workplace, or when conducting our business.  

If an employee has an alcohol or drug dependency problem, we will consider it as a treatable illness. Managers will provide assistance and support wherever possible. The employee support and counselling service is also available.  

If an employee refuses help or drops out of a treatment programme, whilst this may not be automatic grounds for dismissal, it may affect the level of support we provide.  

Any behaviour or performance concerns after that will be subject to appropriate action.