
Attraction and retention policy


The payment of any supplement is time-limited for a period of up to two years. It can be fewer if the appointment is for less than two years. The payment is subject to re-assessment after 12 months.

Any payment is subject to satisfactory performance in the role. It is in addition to any pay increments as set out in our pay policy.  

Attraction and retention supplements will cease should the employee's individual contribution in the role be below the expected standard of our performance management policies:

The manager will write to the employee with details of retention supplement payable. It will contain an agreement to the terms of the supplement which both parties must sign. Details of attraction supplement arrangements will be included in a new employee's contract.

Managers responsibilities for setting up payments

Managers are responsible for setting up payments and completing the relevant Business World forms, which will inform payroll.

Managers will also need to upload the attraction and retention letter and agreement into the document archive on Business World. 

Further guidance for managers and the template letters and agreements are available on Lincs2Learn.  

Recovery of payments 

The employee must repay any supplement if, within two years, they: 

  • voluntarily leave the council 
  • are dismissed for any reason other than redundancy  

We will reduce the amount of payment proportionately for each full month of service. 

The terms and conditions of employment issued by HR explain the conditions, method and period of the payments. 

Relocation allowance 

When advertising a position, managers may consider the use of a relocation allowance. For more details, read our relocation policy

Recruitment of graduates 

A manager may consider cash payments towards repaying student loans for newly-employed graduates. Options include: 

  • an annual payment for a maximum of three years following satisfactory completion of probation 
  • paying a percentage of the total loan regardless of the amount (For example, 25 per cent for the first two years of employment. We would pay it on the anniversary of the start date) 
  • repayment of the outstanding loan. The repayment period should equal or exceed the period of study. 

Bursary schemes 

Managers may consider implementing a bursary scheme within a service area. 

This involves the sponsorship of students who are accepted on to graduate courses by providing: 

  • a lump-sum bursary payment at the start of each academic year 
  • paid work placements where required 
  • work during holidays 

If a trainee has received funding through a bursary, they must enter into a legal agreement. The trainee must pay back the funding if they breach the agreement. 


We have an objective to maximise the opportunities of apprenticeships. They enable us to meet the service area and council workforce planning priorities.  

For further information, read our apprenticeship policy

We make additional payments to apprentices which are over and above the national apprentice rate (year one) and the minimum wage or national living wage (years two and three).

For new children’s social worker apprentices it is a condition of the contract that the funding of the qualifications and this additional payment that apprentices remain working for us for three years post qualification.  This is providing we are able to offer a social worker position following their qualification. If an apprentice leaves before completing three years post qualification we will deduct some of the additional payments from final salary and provide an invoice and proposed repayment plan for the remainder. The details of the additional payments which would be due for repayment will be provided in the apprentice contract.