
Attraction and retention policy

Assessment and approval process

Once the senior manager responsible for the job role has submitted the evidence to Director and the relevant Strategic HR Business Partner, the DLT will assess the case and will determine whether to approve it. 

The evidence should show that pay is a crucial factor in our ability to recruit or retain employees in this job. As a guide managers can use the information below.

Evidence summary table - to be agreed with the senior business partner  

Issue Evidence criteria
Pay-related retention difficulties Labour turnover should be in excess of 20 per cent over a 12-month period
Or, number of times vacant over a 12-month period: twice in one year
Reasons for retention difficulty Information from exit interviews
Evidence of leaving for higher pay at same job level
Pay-related recruitment difficulties Insufficient number of applicants or of a suitable quality
Number of attempts at recruitment
Reasons for recruitment difficulty Establish the link with pay
Ensure other factors are not influencing (for example, job structure, advertising, recruitment pack, selection process and development opportunities)
Market issues Surveys, professional body information, journal articles illustrating skill shortages or difficulties with occupational groups
Large numbers of advertisements for similar posts
Information from similar authorities

Where evidence criteria is met

Issue Examples
Likely effectiveness of a supplement payment Attract more applicants
Pay in line with other authorities
Pay databases
Evidence of difference of terms and conditions between the council and the marketplace Define the significant difference between the council and national. Should be at least 10 per cent of salary
Telephone survey or questionnaire
Assessment of likely impact of supplement payment Existing post-holders
Starting a precedent
Budget provision
Review every two years Check against criteria
Consideration of alternative recruitment and retention strategies Consult with the talent and resourcing team

Some posts are joint-funded or a partnership post where we are the employer. We will consider attraction or retention supplements if the criteria are met.

DLTs will record the reasons for such decisions. This will ensure we: 

  • apply the procedure fairly, consistently and is not gender-biased 
  • have clear and objective evidence 
  • justify any attraction or retention supplement 
  • record all attraction or retention supplements we awarded
  • make comparable jobs a mixture of posts held by males and females 

Where there is insufficient evidence to support a request, the DLT may: 

  • reject it, giving reasons to the relevant senior manager
  • return it, requesting more evidence for further consideration 

The relevant director determines and recommends the appropriate level of the supplement with the rationale documented at DLT meetings. 

All attraction and retention payments are to be reported.