
Attraction and retention policy

Alternative non-financial strategies

To promote the attraction and retention of staff, the manager should consider: 

  • improving the outward image of the council. Show it as a great place to work and Lincolnshire as an excellent place to live. Liaise with the talent and resourcing team on specific wording for adverts 
  • the benefits of joining an excellent organisation 
  • the benefits of working with a local government organisation 
  • financial and non-financial staff benefits including final salary pension schemes 
  • other methods of recruitment, such as: 
    • TU sources 
    • overseas recruitment 
    • internal redeployment 
    • training and development opportunities 
  • improving the working environment 
  • using flexible working schemes, home or remote working. 
  • targeting similar or new occupational groups doing similar work 
  • trying non-traditional elements of working people, such as older or younger people, ex-prisoners and socially disadvantaged people 
  • succession planning to foresee vacancies 
  • training schemes 
  • university graduates

Appointment of agency workers or graduate placement students

Where there is an agency worker or a graduate student placement filling a hard to recruit or retain position and you wish to appoint them permanently a reduced appointment process can be followed.  This can be found in the recruitment policy.