
Relocation policy

Policy overview

We may help with expenses when an employee has to relocate for their job. 


The employee must be moving to a home that is within a reasonable daily travelling distance of their new workplace as they are: 

  • a newly-appointed employee who has accepted our offer of employment 
  • an existing employee who has been appointed to a new post. The new post must be outside the area in which they are currently working
  • an existing employee who is moving due to us changing their workplace, for example, an office relocation

The job advert will state if we are offering relocation expenses.  We will include our relocation policy in the application pack for the vacancy.

Relocation assistance is discretionary and not a contractual entitlement. We reserve the right to withdraw it at any time. We look at relocation expenses claims on a case-by-case basis. 

Where an offer of relocation assistance is accepted, the employee and the council will sign a relocation agreement. The manager will arrange this. Before any claims can be made under the scheme, the manager will ensure the signed copy of the relocation agreement is returned and placed in the employee's personal file.

We will include reference to the relocation policy and its conditions and confirmation of the maximum figure of £8000 in the employee's contract of employment.

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