
Active travel

Louth active travel improvements

About the project

The 18-month trial of ‘Active Travel’ improvements in Louth will come to its planned end in September 2023 and has seen a number of temporary changes made in the town centre. These have been actioned in order to give people more opportunities to choose walking and cycling for their day-to-day journeys, reducing traffic congestion.

Those changes included:

  • Full closure of Cornmarket to all motor traffic and the removal of all on-street parking (applied from the junctions of Mercer Row to Market Place – to provide dedicated space for pedestrians and cyclists, as well as creating outdoor opportunities for traders and hospitality).
  • Restriction of parking on Mercer Row from the junction with Upgate to the junction with Market Place (to provide the opportunity to improve the area for pedestrian and cyclist flow).
  • Convert Market Place parking to ‘blue badge only’ when the market is not operational to increase disabled parking.
  • Installation of seating units on Mercer Row.

The trial scheme was intended to better enable Louth to become a destination for residents and visitors where they can enjoy shopping in an open space, the existing café culture and the unique aesthetics of the area.

You can continue to share your views about this scheme by emailing activetravel@lincolnshire.gov.uk.

Aims and Benefits

  • Reduced congestion in town centre
  • More opportunities for people to choose walking and cycling for day-to-day journeys
  • Encourage people wanting to shop and travel in Louth to stay for longer
  • Boost the local area by providing more potential business for traders and services


The Department for Transport (DfT) awarded Lincolnshire £799,900 to be used to give people more opportunities to choose walking and cycling for their day-to-day journeys, to boost active travel and reduce traffic congestion. This money has been awarded to be used across the County.


  • March 2021: Open engagement about the Louth Active Travel Scheme begins
  • May 2021: Engagement period ends for Louth Active Travel Scheme
  • June 2021: Local councillor and local cycle forums liaised with
  • October/November 2021: Design elements for the scheme to temporarily widen footways are worked on
  • December 2021: Adjustments made to the scheme following a meeting with the local councillor, representatives from ELDC and local traders
  • March 2022: Changes to Mercer Row and traffic flow in that area of the town implemented as part of the trial, and, following feedback from those using the area, changes were promptly made including removing barriers that were placed on Mercer Row were removed, with planters used to close off access to Cornmarket instead
  • May 2022: Parklet seat units announced to encourage people to stop and rest in the café culture part of Louth
  • August 2022: Two disabled bays reinstated on Mercer Row following from feedback received from local people
  • August 2022: Seating units installed
  • September 2023: Louth Active Travel trial ends/engagement carried out

*All future dates are projected and subject to change dependent on external factors.