
Louth Active Travel Scheme to get changes made next week


˶ responds to local business and residents’ comments and has tweaked plans leading to the new pedestrian area in the town.

After speaking to businesses and residents around Mercer Row in Louth, ˶ has decided to review some initial elements of the new Active Travel plan in the town. 

Barriers and planters currently in place on Mercer Row will be removed and planters will be used to close off access to Cornmarket, this will denote the newly pedestrianised area. Changes to signage are also being undertaken. 

The changes will also be made to best suit the aesthetic of the historic Louth area and will be implemented next week. 

Cllr Richard Davies, executive member for highways, said: “We’ve listened to what concerns residents and businesses have expressed to us at the start of the scheme and we’re going to make changes in the appropriate way. 

“Quite simply, we need to ensure that what we do fits in with the beautiful town that Louth is. In the first steps of this plan going live, we’ve not got that quite right and we’re sorry for the confusion that this has led to.

“As with every step of this experimental scheme, we’ve taken notice of feedback and by doing so we’re ready to make changes where appropriate.

"These will mean removing some of the unsightly barriers and replacing them with planters and ensuring signage meets requirements but doesn’t interfere with the needs of businesses in the immediate area.

“This scheme will be in place for 18 months and during that time residents and businesses will be able to submit feedback. If at the end of this period Louth decides that it doesn’t want the Active Travel plan then we can easily remove it.”

Published: 25th March 2022