
Louth Active Travel Scheme: Mercer Row disabled bays reinstated

Louth active travel

The county council reinstated two disabled bay on Mercer Row in Louth yesterday evening.

Cllr Richard Davies, executive member for highways, said: “As part of the initial changes we made to Louth’s town centre as part of our Active Travel trial, we temporarily removed two disabled bays on Mercer Row to make extra space on the road.

“However, following the feedback we’ve received from local people, one of our highways teams visited Louth yesterday evening to reinstate these two bays so blue-badge holders can park on Mercer Row again.

“We are, and will continue, listening to what residents and businesses tell us about this project. I also want to stress that this is and remains an experimental trial, and, before making any decisions about whether to make any of these changes permanent, we will engage with local people.

“In the meantime, we will continue adjusting this fluid and flexible trial as we go, hopefully striking a balance that works for everyone and helps create a sustainable and bright future for Louth.”

For more information about this project, please visit . You can also share your feedback about the scheme by emailed activetravel@lincolnshire.gov.uk

Published: 10th August 2022