
TUPE policy

Employees transferring from us

In a situation where we are the transferor or sender employer, we commit to:  

  • transferring affected employees who are employed in the undertaking at the time of the transfer: 
    • on their existing contracts of employment (except for those dismissed for economic, technical or organisational reasons entailing a change in the workforce)  
    • on the same terms and conditions as we employed them 
  • ensuring a pension scheme which is broadly comparable to our scheme is provided to employees transferring. Pensions are considered and included as part of the pre-tender process 
  • ensuring the recipient employer takes over all of the:  
    • rights 
    • powers 
    • duties 
    • liabilities, in respect of employees transferring to it 
  • ensuring the recipient employer takes over any of our collective agreements. This includes recognition agreements applicable to employees transferring 
  • along with the recipient employer, making information available to workers' representatives and consulting with workers' representatives on matters related to the transfer 
  • providing all information to a future employer to enable it to: 
    • continue to pay and manage staff transferred from us under TUPE 
    • ensure employees transferred can carry out the work required 

We will:  

  • complete any due diligence questionnaire supplied by the recipient employer 
  • provide statutory information as required by the TUPE regulations