
TUPE policy

Policy overview

We commit to honouring our responsibility to: 

  • protect employee rights during a transfer  
  • apply the requirements of the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 2006 as amended by the Collective Redundancies and Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) (Amendment) Regulations 2014  

TUPE is the commonly used acronym for this legislative framework. The primary purpose of the regulations is to: 

  • preserve the continuity of employment 
  • preserve the terms and conditions of employees transferred to a new employer  

We commit to: 

  • consulting with affected employees 
  • providing information promptly on any changes that affect employees 

We recognise that a change of employer can be an unsettling time. We understand the importance of providing information to help to support employees through the process.  

We commit to working closely and collaboratively with employees, whether: 

  • we are transferring them to another employer 
  • or, receiving them from an employer 

We want to enable the transfer process to be undertaken effectively and efficiently.  

TUPE is a complex area of law, and we will give appropriate advice and consideration to all matters to achieve a smooth transition.  


In addition to complying with TUPE legislation, we will:  

  • encourage the full involvement of our people 
  • ensure we provide employees affected by the change with assistance to enable them to make informed decisions 
  • ensure that the most robust possible consultation and provision of information with recognised trade unions and any other representatives takes place in a planned and properly managed process 
  • provide clarity as soon as reasonably possible concerning whether or not TUPE applies 
  • ensure that we maintain effective communications 
  • ensure the full involvement of HR and Legal Services to support all aspects of a transfer and TUPE considerations 
Working for a better future graphic


Any related managers toolkits, letters and forms for this policy are available on Lincs2Learn.