
TUPE policy

When does TUPE apply?

TUPE applies to a relevant transfer in two circumstances:  

  1. a business transfer – when a business, or part of one, transfers from one employer to another as a going concern 
  2. a service provision change – this can include: 
  • outsourcing – where an organisation engages a contractor 
  • second-generation outsourcing – retendering or re-assigning a contract to another contractor 
  • insourcing – taking work back in-house 

A transfer can fall into both categories. For example, where there is both a business transfer and a service provision change at the same time.  

In transfer situations: 

  • the new employer is the 'transferee' - we refer to this as the 'recipient'.  
  • the old employer is known as the 'transferor' - we refer to this as the 'sender'   

The legislation puts requirements on both the recipient employer and the sender employer throughout the transfer process.