
Learning and development policy

Policy overview


We are committed to developing our employees. We aim to help them to:  

  • develop their potential
  • increase personal growth and performance
  • provide good quality services to the people of Lincolnshire
  • provide value for money services to the people of Lincolnshire

We recognise that new ways of working are continually developing.  To deliver high levels of services we are committed to learning and development.


This policy aims to ensure we maximise the organisational capacity, performance and resilience. 

We aim to deliver our objectives through people, which means:

  • developing the right skills to deliver our priorities to agreed standards
  • ensuring all employees feel valued and trusted 
  • supporting all employees to do their job well
  • working as one council to provide effective and efficient services
  • promoting the mental well-being of our people
  • supporting managers to develop a positive leadership style that shows our culture and values
  • helping employees to identify and meet their job-related development needs 
  • employees agreeing to personal development plans with managers to
    • identify areas of improvement
    • discuss current and future performance
  • recognising the economic climate we are operating in   
  • considering the quality and cost of any learning opportunity
  • exploring the option to use Apprenticeship Levy funding
  • making fair and consistent decisions relating to learning and development
  • providing equality of opportunity for all employees

Methods of learning and development 

We vary our learning and development methods depending on: 

  • the use and circumstances
  • individual and organisational needs
  • finances

Methods include, but are not limited to:

  • on-the-job coaching, mentoring and training
  • secondments, appraisals and inductions
  • off-the-job learning events, seminars and workshops run in-house
  • off-the-job learning events, seminars and workshops run externally
  • digital learning
  • vocational and academic qualifications including apprenticeships
  • open and flexible learning programmes
  • guided reading
  • projects, shadowing and workplace visits
Grow with our support and your ambition graphic


Any related managers toolkits, letters and forms for this policy are available on Lincs2Learn.