
Learning and development policy

Right to request time off for learning

Employees have a statutory right to request time off for learning. This right is for learning that supports their job role. 

The aim is to improve their effectiveness in their role. In turn, this improves the overall performance of the organisation. 

Requests may occur once every 12 months. 

It is our policy to consider requests about learning. This policy does not apply to casual or agency workers.

To request for time off for learning, employees must write to their manager. Requests must include the following:

  • the dates of the learning event
  • the subject matter of the study or learning
  • where and when the learning will take place 
  • the name of the organisation providing the learning
  • the name of the qualification, if appropriate
  • why employees think the learning will support their performance
  • the date of any previous requests made, even if unapproved

Considering a request

We will respond within 28 days of receiving a request. 

Your manager may arrange to hold a meeting with you to discuss the request. 

Employees have the right to bring a colleague or trade union representative to the meeting. Employees can ask for a rescheduling of the meeting for up to five days. This is if they, or their companion, are not available for the meeting. 

After the meeting, your manager will confirm our decision in writing. This will be within 14 days of holding the meeting. 

In some circumstances, we may need more time to consider the request. We will explain the reason for this.

Declining a request

We may deny the request for time off for learning in the following circumstances:

  • the learning will not benefit us
  • we cannot approve the learning's additional costs 
  • the time taken for the learning would harm clients' needs
  • we cannot reorganise work amongst other employees
  • granting the time off would damage the quality and business performance
  • the time-off conflicts with planned business activities

Right of appeal

If we refuse an employee's request, they have the right to appeal. They must submit an appeal within 14 days of the decision. 

The appeal must: 

  • be in writing and dated 
  • be sent to their manager's manager
  • set out the grounds for the appeal 

We will arrange an appeal meeting within 14 days of receiving the appeal. Employees can have someone accompany them to the meeting. 

The manager will consider the case and confirm their decision within 14 days of the meeting.  

Approval of time off

If we authorise it, time off for learning is typically unpaid. 

If we grant time off for learning, employees must inform their manager if they:

  • do not start the agreed learning
  • do not finish the learning
  • undertake a different course or plan to do another course