
Equality, diversity and inclusion annual report 2023

Adult Skills and Family Learning Service

The ASFL is part of Economic Development within the Place directorate.  The service receives grant funding from the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) to deliver adult education programmes across Lincolnshire.

The aim of the service is to engage with local people who are least likely to participate in learning and enable them to access a range of high-quality learning opportunities to:

  • lead more independent lives
  • support their families
  • gain a qualification
  • get a job
  • volunteer
  • become less socially isolated

The service has four key strategic priorities:

  • widen participation and transform people’s lives
  • support the local economy
  • improve the health and wellbeing of learners
  • provide targeted learning to those in greatest need, including helping parents to support their children’s learning

To achieve these priorities ASFL works with local partners to deliver high quality learning to:

  • focus funding on people who are disadvantaged and least likely to participate in learning, including people:
    • on low incomes
    • with low skills
    • furthest away from the labour market
  • widen participation in learning through locally delivered informal and accredited programmes, serving the needs of the diverse communities across Lincolnshire
  • contribute to a wide range of outcomes for individuals and the wider community including:
    • personal and social
    • educational attainment
    • economic regeneration
    • improved health and well-being
  • develop the capacity of voluntary and community sector organisations to deliver effective adult learning that meets the quality requirements of Ofsted through funding and supporting niche provision
  • Work with local partners to deliver high quality learning which contributes to the priorities of:
    • ³ÉÈ˶¶Òõ,
    • GLLEP Local Skills Plan,
    • Joint ³ÉÈ˶¶Òõ/LEP Employment and Skills Strategy,
    • GLLEP Strategic Economic Plan,
    • the Local Industrial Strategy,
    • the Skills Strategy,
    • the Lincolnshire Sustainability and Transformation Plan,
    • Protecting, Progressing, Prospering: Greater Lincolnshire Plan for Growth (COVID-19 Revival Plan), and
    • Council's Corporate Plan

In the year 1 August 2022 to 31 July 2023, the team worked with 7,138 learners.  who enrolled on one or more courses.  The total number of enrolments was 9984.  The data below shows a summary of their characteristics by gender, age, employment, learning difficulty, qualifications and ethnic breakdown.

Providers contracts include a target for learners from minority groups in order to ensure we target our funding at those who will benefit most. 

Provider monitoring meetings take place monthly where we review data and follow up if there is under-performance.

ASFL enrolments by age

Age Number of enrolments Percentage
19 288 2.9%
20 to 29 2,031 20.3%
30 to 39 2,415 24.2%
40 to 49 1,960 19.6%
50 to 59 1,902 19.1%
60 to 64 717 7.2%
65 plus 671 6.7%
Total 9,984 100%

ASFL enrolments by gender

Gender Number of enrolments Percentage
Female 6,607 66.2%
Male 3,377 33.8%
Total 9,984 100%

ASFL enrolments by employment status at the start of the course

Employment status Number of enrolments Percentage
Employed 4,194 42%
Unemployed and looking for work 3,667 36.7%
Unemployed and not looking 2,123 21.3%
Total 9,984 -

ASFL enrolments by learning difficulty

Learning difficulty Number of enrolments Percentage
No learning difficulty 7,007 70.2%
Vision impairment 176 1.8%
Hearing impairment 220 2.2%
Disability affecting mobility 287 2.9%
Profound complex disabilities 17 0.2%
Social and emotional difficulties 114 1.1%
Mental health difficulty 494 4.9%
Moderate learning difficulties 461 4.6%
Severe learning difficulty 56 0.6%
Dyslexia 379 3.8%
Dyscalculia 15 0.2%
Autism spectrum disorder 222 2.2%
Asperger's syndrome 43 0.4%
Temporary disability (for example post-viral) or accident 44 0.3%
Speech, language and communication needs 31 1%
Other physical disability 100 1.0%
Other specific learning difficulty (for example Dyspraxia) 18 0.2%
Other medical condition (for example epilepsy, asthma, diabetes) 179 1.8%
Other learning difficulty 45 0.5%
Other disability 76 0.8%
Total 9,984 100%

ASFL enrolments by qualification at the start of the course

Qualification Number of enrolments Percentage
Entry level 562 5.6%
Level 1 787 7.9%
Level 2 985 9%
Full level 2 815 8.2%
Level 3 520 5.2%
Full level 3 872 8.7%
Level 4 374 3.7%
Level 5 384 3.8%
Level 6 1,041 10.4%
Level 7 and above 532 5.3%
Other qualifications, level not known 341 3.4%
Not known 603 6.0%
No qualifications 2,258 22.6%
Total 9,984 100%

ASFL enrolments by ethnicity compared to 2021 Census data for Lincolnshire


Ethnicity Number of enrolments Percentage 2021 Census percentage
White British 7977 79.9% 89.2%
Irish 14 0.1% 0.4%
Gypsy or Irish Traveller 9 0.1% 0.2%
Any other White background 1190 11.9% 6.1%
Total White 9190 92.0% 95.9%

Mixed or multiple ethnic

Ethnicity Number of enrolments Percentage 2021 Census percentage
White and Black Caribbean 43 0.4% 0.4%
White and Black African 20 0.2% 0.2%
White and Asian 31 0.3% 0.4%
Any other mixed or multiple ethnic background 39 0.4% 0.3%

Asian and Asian British

Ethnicity Number of enrolments Percentage 2021 Census percentage
Indian 33 0.3% 0.5%
Pakistani 17 0.2% 0.2%
Bangladeshi 6 0.1% 0.1%
Chinese 77 0.8% 0.3%
Any other Asian background 99 1.0% 0.5%

Black and Black British

Ethnicity Number of enrolments Percentage 2021 Census percentage
African 69 0.7% 0.4%
Caribbean 16 0.2% 0.1%
Any other Black, African or Caribbean background 26 0.3% 0.1%

Other ethnic group

Ethnicity Number of enrolments Percentage 2021 Census percentage
Arab 62 0.6% 0.1%
Any other ethnic group plus other ethnic group 121 1.2% 0.5%


Ethnicity Number of enrolments Percentage 2021 Census percentage
Total Black, Asian other ethnic background 659 6.7% 4.1%
Not known or not provided 135 1.4% 0%
Grand total 9,984 100% 100%