
Equality, diversity and inclusion annual report 2023

Youth support – Future4me

Future4Me offer direct work and consultation to support a broad range of young people known to Children’s Services in Lincolnshire.

The multi-disciplinary team is a responsive and skilled workforce meeting the diverse and complex needs of our young people. They facilitate timely and appropriate intervention so that:

  • young people are supported without the need for statutory intervention – either through Social Care or Youth Justice
  • older adolescents are supported to remain with their existing carers (where this is safe) and there is a reduction in late entrants into the care system
  • relationships are maintained with key professionals accessing specialised wrap-around support
  • victims of crime are supported and given a voice through restorative practice to ensure safe communities
  • children and young people are fully supported to realise their potential

In the year from April 2022 to March 2023, the team supported 473 young people. The data below shows a summary of their characteristics by gender, age, nationality, ethnicity, and religion. Where numbers are below 10 these have been grouped.

Young people by gender

Gender Number of young people Percentage
Male 353 74.6%
Female 120 24.4%
Total 473 100%

Young people by religion

Religion Number of young people Percentage
Unknown 360 76.1
Agnostic 19 4%
Christian (any) 43 9.1%
Atheist 25 5.3%
Other (including no religion) 26 5.5%
Total 473 100%

Young people by age (as at 31 March 2022)

Age Number of young people Percentage
11 and 12 10 2.1%
13 25 5.3%
14 41 8.7%
15 84 17.8%
16 88 18.6%
17 96 20.3%
18 88 18.6%
19 and 20 41 8.6%
Total 473 100%

Young people by nationality

Nationality Number of young people Percentage
Europe 37 7.8%
UK 410 86.7%
Unknown 23 4.9%
The rest of the world 3 0.6%
Total 473 100%

Young people by ethnicity

Ethnicity Number of young people Percentage
White British 390 82.5%
Other White background 51 10.8%
Black, Asian or other Ethnic Minority Background  30 6.3%
Unknown 2 0.4%
Total 473 100%

The 2021 census data outlines characteristics for this specific age group indicates that within the general 10-19 age group in Lincolnshire there is an equal age spread amongst this population (approximately 10% each). By comparison the Future4Me data confirms that those open to the service are concentrated within the 15-18 years age range. Similarly, there are notable differences within the gender data with 52% of the general population being female compared to 24% within the Future4Me cohort. The 2021 census does not provide specific data for the 10 to 19 age range in relation to nationality, ethnicity or religion.

The Future4Me EDI group considers the age, gender, ethnicity and nationality of the cohort on a quarterly basis at a locality level. The data captured has expanded during the year 2022 to 23 to include additional characteristics such as Special Educational Needs and Disability, transgender status, caring commitments and language. This information is scrutinised to understand the demographics of young people supported by the Future4Me team and enables interventions to be tailored to meet their needs. Staff training, quality assurance work, data accuracy and practice guidance also underpins the Future4Me commitment to ensuring equality of services for young people.