
Equality, diversity and inclusion annual report 2023

Adult social care

This is the age, gender, ethnicity and primary support need breakdown for adults receiving a social care service as per the short and long term (SALT) data return for the year from April 2022 to March 2023. As part of this mandatory reporting, we have included age, gender, ethnicity and disability. Religion and sexual orientation are not required to be reported so have been excluded from this report.

Equalities information has been provided in relation to long-term and short-term adult social care services which have been provided to adults. Long-term support encompasses any service or support which is provided with the intention of maintaining quality of life for an individual on an ongoing basis. Short-term support includes all episodes of support that are intended to be time limited without intending to maximise independence and reduce the need for ongoing support.

Adults in receipt of a long-term social care service

Age Number of adults receiving a service Percentage
18 to 25 486 4.6%
26 to 35 693 6.6%
36 to 45 579 5.5%
46 to 55 787 7.5%
56 to 65 1,109 10.6%
66 to 75 1,264 12.0%
76 to 85 2,474 23.6%
85 and over 3,101 29.6%
Grand total 10,493 100%

The majority (over 65%) of adults receiving a long-term service are over 65 years old.

Adult social care clients by gender

Gender Number of adults receiving a service Percentage
Female 6,274 59.8%
Male 4,196 40%
Undefined or indeterminate 23 0.2%
Total 10,493 100%

There is a higher proportion of female adults receiving a long-term service than male adults. Despite the longer life expectancy of females, a further review will be carried out ahead of the next annual report to better understand why fewer males and more females are accessing services.

Adult social care clients by ethnicity

Ethnicity Number of adults receiving a service Percentage
White 10,358 98.71%
Asian or Asian British 32 0.30%
Black or Black British 29 0.28%
Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups 38 0.36%
Other Ethnic Groups 19 0.18%
Not Stated 17 0.16%
Grand total 10,493 -

White includes British, English, Irish, Scottish and 'any other White Background'.

The majority of adults receiving a long-term service (98.71%) are white. This is similar to the Lincolnshire population data where 96% of people are white.

Primary support reason Number of adults Percentage
Learning disability support 2,012 19.2%
Mental health support 918 8.7%
Physical support: access and mobility only 1,233 11.8%
Physical support: personal care support 5,694 54.3%
Sensory support 41 0.4%
Social support 82 0.8%
Support with memory and cognition 513 4.9%
Grand total 10,493 -

The primary support reason is essentially why the individual requires support.

The majority of adults (54.3%) drawing on long-term services had a primary support reason of physical support: personal care support. Adults with a learning disability account for 19.2% of adults drawing on services. In Lincolnshire 20.1% are people with a disability as defined under the equality act.

Adults in receipt of a short-term social care service

Age Number of adults receiving a service Percentage
18 to 25 27 0.7%
26 to 35 122 3.4%
36 to 45 126 3.5%
46 to 55 255 7.0%
56 to 65 452 12.4%
66 to 75 543 14.9%
76 to 85 1,168 32.1%
85 and over 942 25.9%
Grand total 3,635 -

The majority (73%) of adults receiving a short-term service are over 65 years old. This is a slightly higher percentage than those adults over 65 years old receiving long term services (65%). #

Gender Number of adults receiving a service Percentage
Female 2,364 65.0%
Male 1,264 34.8%
Unknown 7 0.2%
Total 3,635 -

There is a significantly higher proportion of female adults receiving a short-term service than males. Despite the longer life expectancy of females, a further review will be carried out ahead of the next annual report to better understand why fewer males and more females are accessing services. 

Ethnicity Number of adults receiving a service Percentage
White 3,566 98.1%
Asian or Asian British Black or Black British 19 0.5%
Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups 10 0.3%
Not Stated 40 1.1%
Grand total 3,635 -

The majority of adults receiving a short-term service (98.1%) are white. This is similar to the Lincolnshire population data where 96% of people are white.

Primary support reason Number of adults Percentage
Learning disability support 242 6.7%
Mental health support 43 1.2%
Physical support: access and mobility only 2,004 55.1%
Physical support: personal care support 1,223 33.6%
Social support or other 74 2.1%
Support with memory and cognition 41 1.1%
Reason not yet established 8 0.2%
Grand total 3,635  

The primary support reason is essentially why the individual requires support. The majority of adults (55.1%) drawing on short-term services had a primary support reason of physical support: access and mobility only.