
Emotional based school avoidance (EBSA)

Pupil reintegration team (PRT)

The pupil reintegration team provides a wide range of support to schools in relation to EBSA.  

Their EBSA caseworkers are able to support with identifying signs of EBSA, offer consultations, training and advice, share good practice, guide through the implementation of robust and meaningful cycles of assess, plan, do and review and signpost to alternative agencies for advice and information.   

At any stage within the EBSA Pathway school can contact an EBSA caseworker from the pupil reintegration team to support the pathway.  This can involve: 

  • support with identifying children and young people exhibiting EBSA and provide advice and guidance through consultations
  • attend scheduled review meetings, or provide advice throughout the assess, plan, do, review stages
  • recommend suitable targets for children and young people and support with implementing appropriate strategies and interventions
  • provide advice around gaining the child or young person’s voice and ensuring that they remain central to the process
  • identify, share and promote good and innovative examples across schools
  • signpost to alternative agencies for further advice and guidance
  • provide case supervision to settings experiencing a high level of EBSA cases
  • provide advice prior to completing a referral to medical support panel (MSP) and support with implementing feedback.

They can be contacted via email  or telephone: 01522 555798 (North) or 01522 555816 (South)