
Annual health check for learning difficulties

Annual health checks for young people with a learning disability in Lincolnshire

Annual health checks are for adults and young people aged 14 or over with a learning disability.

A learning disability is a reduced intellectual ability and difficulty with everyday activities, for example - household tasks, socialising or managing money, which affects someone for their whole life.

Learning disability and learning difficulties such as dyslexia and ADHD often get confused and referred to as the same, but they are different. 

Mencap describes dyslexia as a learning difficulty because, unlike learning disability it does not affect intellect. ?

It is important that everyone with a learning disability over the age of 14 has a health check each year.
An annual health check with a GP or nurse can help identify undetected conditions early, and make sure that the right treatment is given. 
The check is offered at all Lincolnshire GP practices.
You do not have to be ill to have a health check. Most people have their annual health check when they're feeling well.

Organisations from across the Lincolnshire health and care system are working to improve access to annual health checks and to make sure people with a learning disability are included on GP practice registers. 

The aim is:

  • everyone with a learning disability is included on their practice’s learning disability register
  • everyone with a learning disability is offered an annual health check