
Proposed post 16 education transport policy statement

Transport support for learners with learning difficulties or disabilities

We individually assess learners with learning difficulties or disabilities  for transport needs.  We make appropriate arrangements to ensure that their specific needs, as detailed within their EHCP, are met. Transport support for learners with learning difficulties or disabilities with an EHCP is available under the policy until they reach 25 years old if necessary, in order to complete an appropriate programme of learning. 

Learners with learning difficulties or disabilities who began their programme of learning before their nineteenth birthday (a date of 1 September is used to determine the notional start date of a course) will be asked to pay the contribution as described in section 3.1. 

Learners with learning difficulties or disabilities, who began a new programme of learning after their nineteenth birthday and we have determined that it is necessary to support their transport arrangements, will not be asked to make a contribution towards the transport provision.  

Transport is provided to the main school or college sites only in most cases. Transport is not normally provided to satellite sites as an entitlement. We will only support transport to a satellite site:

  • if this site is closer than the main campus
  • where an entitlement has been determined, and 
  • the satellite site is over three miles from the home address

Many schools and colleges provide onward transport support to satellite sites. We therefore encourage young people to discuss these arrangements with their establishment.