
Proposed post 16 education transport policy statement


This transport policy statement is for:

  • young people aged 16 to 18 in further education
  • continuing learners aged 19
  • young people aged 19 to 24 (inclusive) with learning difficulties and, or disabilities

Local authorities do not have to provide free or subsidised post 16 travel support but do have a duty to prepare and publish an annual transport policy statement.  This statement specifies the arrangements for the provision of transport or other support that we consider necessary to make to facilitate the attendance of all persons of sixth form age receiving education or training.   

All young people carrying on their education post 16 must reapply for travel support.

‘Sixth form age’ refers to those young people who are:

  • over 16 years of age but under 19, or 
  • continuing learners who started their programme of learning before their nineteenth birthday

Local authorities also have a duty to encourage, enable and assist young people with learning difficulties or disabilities to participate in education and training, up to the age of 25.   

This policy uses the term ‘post 16’ to include both:

  • learners of sixth form age
  • those with learning difficulties or disabilities up to the age of 25

This policy document specifies the support that we consider necessary to facilitate the attendance of post 16 learners receiving education or training.  

Education or training refers to learning or training at:

  • a school
  • a further education institution
  • a council maintained or assisted institution providing higher or further education
  • an establishment funded directly by the Education Skills Funding Agency
  • a learning provider delivering accredited programmes of learning which lead to positive outcomes and that we fund for example:
    • colleges
    • charities 
    • private learning providers  

Aims and objectives

We have the following aims and objectives when assessing transport or travel support:

  • To enable every learner reaching school leaving age living in Lincolnshire to access a course of education or training. 
  • To provide subsidised transport support to learners of sixth form age to the nearest or transport designated sixth form, college or other licensed provider over three miles from the student's home. Designated Transport Areas (DTAs) are areas drawn round colleges and schools indicating a transport entitlement. A copy of the DTAs can be found at Appendix G of the home to school or college transport policy.
  • To assess the needs of learners with special educational needs and, or disabilities (SEND) on an individual basis to determine the necessary and appropriate support required from us to facilitate attendance.
  • To take account of the demographic makeup of the Council when determining the subsidy towards transport including:
    • the rural nature of the county
    • the distances travelled by rural learners
    • the specific needs of SEND learners.
  • To ensure the support is affordable to all by maintaining the request of a flat rate contribution towards the transport for all sixth form learners.  This is irrespective of the factors mentioned above.
  • To promote a partnership approach to supporting learners experiencing economic hardship by sign-posting learners to the support that is available from all partners.  This will include education providers through Bursary Support Funding.


We review the post 16 transport policy annually.

Transport and travel support

Entitlement to transport and travel support from the County Council

Our policy is to offer transport support to young learners to:

  • their nearest or DTA sixth form or college, or
  • other licensed provider

This is subject to them living more than three miles from the sixth form or college.

If the young person meets these criteria we will offer transport support to sixth form learners subject to an annual contribution of £570 (or £579 if paid in instalments).  This can be paid as follows:

  • a full payment of £570
  • in three instalments of £193
  • in six instalments of £96.50

Subject to the contribution being paid, we will provide transport support.  This is usually in the form of a bus or train pass. 

We will consider any application made.  We recommend that anyone who thinks they might be entitled to transport support apply from March onwards. If the application and payment is not made by 31 July there is no guarantee that transport will be in place for the beginning of the new academic year in September.  

You can apply for transport on our website. This is the quickest and fastest way to apply. Alternatively you can ring 01522 782020 for help to make an application.

We will respond to your application by writing to the applicant's e-mail or postal address confirming entitlement to transport support. We will enclose details of when and how to pay the learner contribution where necessary. After an arrangement to pay the contribution has been made, where this is necessary, we will send out travel details and pass. If we refuse transport support  we will give you an opportunity to appeal against the decision where an applicant:

  • feels that we  have not followed our own policy or the law or 
  • believes there are exceptional circumstances that Officers need to be aware of

We provide details of the appeals process at the time of the refusal. 

The transport provision is one outward journey and one return journey. These are timed for the start and finish of the school or college day. Transport is provided to the main school or college sites only in most cases.  Transport is not normally provided to satellite sites as an entitlement. We will only support transport to a satellite site:

  • if this site is closer than the main campus
  • where an entitlement has been determined
  • the satellite site is over three miles from the home address

Transport provision made is appropriate to the location and timings of the school or college day. It may be necessary for a student to make his or her own way to and from a transport pick-up point up to three miles, if they are able to do so.

Learners with learning difficulties and, or, disabilities may require transport support beyond the age of 18 because their further education requires attendance beyond that age. 

Specialist courses

We do not offer transport support to a school or college that is not:

  • the nearest or designated one for the students address 
  • the nearest that is able to meet a young person's special educational needs as defined within their Education Health and Care Plan

Additionally, we do not take account of preferred courses or specialist courses which are not available at the nearest or designated college or school.

However, there is limited transport support available to access some specialist courses delivered from Riseholme College. These are currently:

  • Agriculture (Level 2 or above)
  • Environmental Studies (Level 2 or above)
  • Horticulture (Level 2 or above)
  • Arboriculture (Level 2 or above)
  • Equine management (Level 2 or above)

Transport support is also available under the policy to students following courses in:

  • Access to music (Lincoln only) 

We support the above if the following distance criterion is met:  

  • the distance from home to college is over three miles but less than 45 miles
  • the student contribution is paid

Transport support is also available to the following University Technical Colleges (UTC) if:

  • the chosen college is the nearest post 16 college to the student's home address
  • is over three miles distant and the contribution is paid:
    • Lincoln UTC
    • Peterborough UTC 
    • Scunthorpe UTC 


Where a young person does not qualify against the entitlement criteria described above, they may be able to utilise spare seats on contracted vehicles (non-fare paying) serving schools and colleges, where there is no commercial 'fare paying' service in the area. These are known as 'concessionary seats':

  • we offer these seats at the same charging rate as for entitled learners (£570 per annum in 2021 to 2022)
  • the charge is calculated on a daily basis depending on when the seat is offered
  • concessionary travel or spare seat allocation is given at our discretion
  • we can withdraw the offer at short notice if the seat is needed for a learner entitled to transport support

Please ring 01522 782020 for application details.


  • is part of  our public transport network
  • operates on a pre-booking basis (no more than one week ahead in most cases) 
  • transports people from specific pick-up points to specific set-down locations
  • anyone can use the service for any purpose
  • costs no more to use than standard bus services
  • registration is free

It may therefore be of use to some learners who do not qualify for a bus or train pass under our policy. You can obtain details by ringing 0345 234 3344 or 01522 553143 or from the website.

Details of fares, concessions, discounts, subsidies, passes and other travel arrangements available in Lincolnshire

From local bus operators

Provision of public transport in Lincolnshire is mainly by local bus operators, who offer services on a commercial basis. We support a number of local bus services to enable people to access services. Most operators have weekly or monthly travel card schemes, discounts and promotions.  These can be confirmed with the operators directly.

For some students living in urban areas and travelling on shorter journeys, these schemes may offer a cheaper alternative to what we offer. Students and families living in these areas are encouraged to research their travel options before making a decision on their preferred provider. The can be used to find details of services. Alternatively, travel information is available from:

  • by telephone: 0871 200 22 33

From schools and colleges and other providers offering post 16 courses

Schools with sixth form provision and colleges of further education have some funding available to help students with expenses connected with their study, including travel costs. This funding is known as 'bursary funding' as follows:

The 16 to 19 Bursary Fund

This provides financial support to help young people overcome specific barriers to participation so they can remain in education. 

There are two types of 16 to 19 bursaries: 

  1. a vulnerable bursary of up to £1,200 a year for young people in one of the defined vulnerable groups below: 
    • in care 
    • care leavers 
    • in receipt of Income Support, or Universal Credit in place of Income Support, in their own right 
    • in receipt of Employment and Support Allowance or Universal Credit and Disability Living or Personal Independence Payments in their own right
  2. discretionary bursaries which institutions award to meet individual needs, for example help with the cost of:
    • transport
    • meals
    • books
    • equipment 

To be eligible for the discretionary bursary young people must: 

  • be aged 16 or over but under 19 at 31 August 2021 or 
  • be aged 19 or over at 31 August 2021 and have an EHCP 
  • be aged 19 or over at 31 August 2021 and continuing on a programme of learning they began aged 16 to 18 (‘19plus continuers’) 
  • be studying a programme that is subject to inspection by a public body which assures quality (such as Ofsted). The provision must also be funded by either a Government funding agency or the local authority

Schools and colleges are responsible for managing both types of bursary. Establishments are able to implement their own policies. We advise that you contact them directly to discuss the support on offer and how to apply for it.  There is further . 

Additionally, some schools and colleges contract transport directly with bus operators in their area to support their students. Unfortunately we are unable to verify the exact level and method of support offered by all individual institutions.  We therefore strongly recommend that learners check for themselves any offer of support available from education providers.

Young parents or Care to Learn  

If you are a young parent under aged 20, Care to Learn can help pay for your childcare and related travel costs, up to £160 per child per week, while you are learning. 

Care to Learn can help with the cost of: 

  • childcare, including deposit and registration fees
  • a childcare 'taster' session (up to five days) 
  • keeping your childcare place over the summer holidays  
  • taking your child to the childcare provider 

Types of child care 

The childcare provider must be Ofsted registered and can be a: 

  • childminder  
  • pre-school playgroup
  • day nursery 
  • out of school club 

If your child needs specialist childcare, the provider must be on the Care Quality Commission's register for specialist provision. 

If you want a relative to get Care to Learn for looking after your child they need to be both:

  • providing registered childcare for children they’re not related to
  • living apart from you and your child 


Childcare payments go directly to your childcare provider. 

Before your childcare provider can be paid: 

  • your childcare provider needs to confirm your child's attendance
  • your school or college needs to confirm that you are attending your course 

Payments for travel costs go to your school or college.  They will either pay you or arrange travel for you. 

Attendance payments will stop if:

  • you stop attending your course
  • you finish your course
  • your child stops attending childcare


You can get Care to Learn if:

  • you are a parent aged under 20 at the start of your course
  • you are the main carer for your child
  • you live in England 
  • you are either a British citizen or a national of a European Economic Area (EEA) country
  • your course is publicly funded (check with your school or college)
  • your childcare provider is registered with Ofsted or the Care Quality Commission  

Type of course 

Care to Learn is only available for courses in England that have some public funding. This includes courses that take place in:

  • schools
  • school sixth forms
  • sixth form colleges
  • other colleges and learning providers, including Foundation Learning
  • your community at Children’s Centres 

More information is available on the .

Transport arrangements for learners when they reach 19

Any young person wishing to check their eligibility for transport beyond years 12 and 13, will need to complete a new application for consideration.

We will continue support for the remainder of that school or college year only providing the student or pupil:

  • had not reached his or her nineteenth birthday before the programme of learning began.  (A date of 1 September is used to determine the notional start date of a course)
  • remains otherwise eligible for transport

This is subject to the financial contribution being paid.

Where a learner has begun their programme of learning before their nineteenth birthday and we have determined it is necessary to support the transport, they will be asked to make a contribution towards the transport support. 

Transport is provided at the beginning and end of the school or college day. The transport provision is one outward journey and one return journey, timed for the start and finish of the school or college day. Transport is provided to the main school or college sites only in most cases.  Transport is not normally provided to satellite sites as an entitlement. We will only support transport to a satellite site:

  • if this site is closer than the main campus
  • where an entitlement has been determined, and
  • the satellite site is over three miles from the home address

Transport will only continue beyond the age of 18 for learners with learning difficulties and, or disabilities who are subject to an EHCP.  We may offer transport support until they are 25 years old, if needed to complete an appropriate programme of learning.

Transport support for learners with learning difficulties or disabilities

We individually assess learners with learning difficulties or disabilities  for transport needs.  We make appropriate arrangements to ensure that their specific needs, as detailed within their EHCP, are met. Transport support for learners with learning difficulties or disabilities with an EHCP is available under the policy until they reach 25 years old if necessary, in order to complete an appropriate programme of learning. 

Learners with learning difficulties or disabilities who began their programme of learning before their nineteenth birthday (a date of 1 September is used to determine the notional start date of a course) will be asked to pay the contribution as described in section 3.1. 

Learners with learning difficulties or disabilities, who began a new programme of learning after their nineteenth birthday and we have determined that it is necessary to support their transport arrangements, will not be asked to make a contribution towards the transport provision.  

Transport is provided to the main school or college sites only in most cases. Transport is not normally provided to satellite sites as an entitlement. We will only support transport to a satellite site:

  • if this site is closer than the main campus
  • where an entitlement has been determined, and 
  • the satellite site is over three miles from the home address

Many schools and colleges provide onward transport support to satellite sites. We therefore encourage young people to discuss these arrangements with their establishment.

Apprenticeships and internships

Our post 16 transport support policy does not apply to apprenticeships or internships.  For information on support in respect of apprenticeships, contact your apprenticeship provider or .

Independent travel training or mobility training

Mobility and independence with travel training is available to eligible students who have difficulty with transport. You can apply for help by:

  • telephoning us on 01522 782020, or
  • speaking to the student services officer or head of sixth form at the school or college

This training and support aims to help improve confidence and develop the skills needed to travel independently.

Help with travel support outside the Local Authority Area (LAA)

We offer transport support on the basis of the policy criteria stated to a school college or other further education institution that is outside the LA boundary if it is the nearest or designated school or college to the student’s home address. 

Lincolnshire based learners living in areas bordering other local authority areas are thus able to travel to centres beyond the Lincolnshire border if:

  • it is the nearest appropriate school or college to access a course, and 
  • the travelling time is reasonable (up to 75 minutes per journey)  

The DTAs for colleges are shown on a map at Appendix G of the policy document.

Appealing against a refusal to offer transport support

If we refuse transport support (which should be given as a decision in writing, with a reason), an applicant is entitled to appeal the decision:

  • by asking for a review if the applicant feels that we have not applied the law or its policy correctly, or
  • there are exceptional circumstances officers need to be aware of when making their decision

A refusal to offer transport support will be based on the fact that one or more of the policy criteria has not been met. We will give details of how to appeal in the letter notifying the decision.