
Trade union recognition and facilities agreement

Agreement overview

This agreement ensures that we have proper arrangements for the recognition of trade unions. It also provides arrangements for the accreditation of trade union representatives. The terms of this agreement are binding in honour and are not legally enforceable.

Trade Unions recognise our right to be responsible for our management, organisation and policy to achieve our aims and objectives. We, and the trade unions, have common goals to: 

  • maintain acceptable employment practices and industrial relations
  • encourage communication with employees
  • ensure that we treat all workers fairly and equally

National agreements state that each local authority should determine which unions it recognises. This includes what facilities we provide to unions and how we work together to support effective industrial relations. The nationally recognised unions for employees in local government are confirmed in the relevant conditions of service.


We use the following terms in this agreement.  They reflect the terms used in the ACAS code of practice 'Time off for trade union duties and activities'.  This code of practice is issued under section 199 of the Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992.

  • recognised trade union - an independent trade union recognised by us for collective bargaining purposes 
  • accredited representative or union representative - an employee elected or appointed by a recognised trade union. They must be elected as per the rules of the trade union. They represent all or some of the members within the workplace
  • union member - a member of a recognised trade union
  • other facilities include:
    • payroll deduction of subscriptions 
    • printing 
    • telephones 
    • meeting rooms 
    • notice-board 
    • internal post or courier services 
  • ULR - accredited Union Learning Representative with appropriate training 


The recognised trade unions may conduct collective bargaining, on behalf of employees, on: 

  • pay 
  • terms and conditions

Trade unions we recognise for collective bargaining

Employees should refer to HR for current names and contact details. 

Employment group Recognised trade unions
Local government services employees 
  • Unison
  • GMB (General, Municipal, Boilermakers and Allied  Trades Union) 
  • Unite 
Academic staff 
  • National Education Union, an amalgamation of the National Union of Teachers (NUT) and the Association of Teachers & Lecturers (ATL)
  • National Association of Schoolmasters and Union of Women Teachers (NASUWT) 
  • National Association of Head Teachers (NAHT) 
  • Secondary Heads Association (SHA) 
  • Professional Association of Teachers (PAT) 
  • University and College Union (UCU) 
Soulbury staff - educational advisers or inspectors 
  • National Association of Inspectors and Educational Advisers (NAIEA) 
  • National Union of Teachers (NUT) 
  • Limited recognition only because main conditions of service are LGSE, therefore determined through joint machinery for the LGSE group 
Fire service staff
  • Fire Brigades Union (FBU) 
  • Fire Officers’ Association (FOA) 
  • Fire and Rescue Services Association (FRSA)
Community and youth workers 
  • Community and Youth Workers' Union (CYWU) 
    Limited recognition
Educational psychologists 
  • Association of Educational Psychologists (AEP)  
    Limited recognition
Health visitors, senior children's and young people nurse, children's and young people nurse 
  • Royal College of Nursing 
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