
Trade union recognition and facilities agreement

Disclosure of information

We will disclose information to trade union representatives that they may reasonably need to conduct negotiations. These will be in an informed and responsible manner.

The types of information which could be relevant in certain collective bargaining situations are: 

  • pay and benefits 
  • conditions of service 
  • number and types of employees 
  • performance 
  • financial 

Trade unions should request information in writing. 

All information disclosed will be dealt with in line with data protection legislation. We will only use the information for the purposes for which it was provided.

Review of trade union recognition and facilities agreement

The provisions of this agreement will be subject to annual review.  It may take place earlier if requested by either side.  Reviews will ensure that the principles and objectives of the agreement are being effectively sustained.

Termination clause

This agreement is intended to operate for an indefinite period.  The council and trade unions agree that both parties retain the right to end the agreement by giving at least six months' written notice.