
Harassment and bullying policy

Raising a harassment or bullying complaint

If you believe you have suffered harassment or bullying, you should follow our grievance procedure

Alternatively, employees may raise issues in confidence with a senior officer in HR services by email.

You should raise the matter, where possible, without delay. We do not want you to feel subject to this behaviour for a lengthy period.

We will take action when an employee:

  • commits an act of harassment or bullying, or
  • breaches this policy in any other way

They may face action, up to and including dismissal, under our disciplinary procedure.

Agency workers or contractors may submit a complaint about harassment or bullying.

If an agency worker or contractor commits an act of bullying or harassment, they will face formal action. Depending on the circumstances, this may involve terminating any contract or agreement.


Victimisation occurs when someone mistreats an employee because: 

  • they make or support a complaint 
  • raise a grievance under the Equality Act 2010
  • are suspected of making a complaint or raising a grievance

We will not tolerate:

  • the victimisation of a person for making allegations of harassment or bullying in good faith
  • supporting someone to make such a complaint 

We may take disciplinary action against the perpetrator of such behaviour.

Examples of victimisation can include:

  • ignoring someone or not offering them a job
  • blocking opportunities, such as training or progression

We cannot protect employees from victimisation if they act maliciously to make or support a false complaint.

We will take any malicious or unwarranted allegations of harassment or bullying seriously. We will take appropriate action, disciplinary or otherwise, where necessary.